Is a Brown Discharge a Sign of a Disease?

Is a Brown Discharge a Sign of a Disease

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Vaginal discharge is your body’s way of cleansing the private part’s environment. The discharge gets rid of bacteria and dead cells inside the vagina in order to prevent infections. Most brown discharges are harmless while others are cause for concern. Educating oneself about the causes of brown discharge is necessary before visiting a doctor.

Brown Discharge at the End of Your Period

A brown discharge arises when old blood mixes with your period. The blood is brown because it is old. When blood is moving through your body, it becomes old and dries out. Pink or red blood is fresh whereas brown blood is old. This type of discharge is completely normal and happens at the end of your period.

Is a Brown Discharge a Sign of a Disease

Brown Blood Before Your Period

Brown discharge before your period begins is common. However, if you are attempting to conceive and experience a few days of brown discharge on the days before your period, you should be concerned. This occurs when you do not have enough progesterone to conceive and maintain a pregnancy. One of the common remedies for this occurrence is to consume Vitamin B6. This supplement is necessary for the normal production of progesterone. There are also progesterone suppositories for some women with luteal phase deficiency (progesterone deficiency) so see your doctor about getting the discharge evaluated, particularly if you are trying to get pregnant.

Brown Blood During Your Menstrual Cycle

Brown discharge mid-cycle signifies either ovulation or inadequate hormone levels. Healthy levels of progesterone and estrogen help maintain the uterus lining until you are due for a period. When these hormone levels drop, it is a signal for your body to begin your period. Therefore, when these levels are not high enough, you may experience a brown discharge. This represents bleeding of blood that is so little that it is old by the time it is seen on your underwear, making it brown in color.

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Brown Discharge Instead of Period Blood

If you are expecting your periods and you get a brown discharge, this is due to a number of reasons:

PCOS: Women suffering from PCOS experience anovulation. This is when your body does not release ova for a period of three months or more. Instead of a period, women with PCOS get a brown discharge.
Pregnancy: Implantation may also result in light bleeding which manifests itself as a brown discharge. In some cases, a brown discharge means you are pregnant. It is advisable to perform a pregnancy test to rule this out as the cause of the brown discharge.
Spotting: In some cases, a brown discharge signals that a period is about to start. If you have irregular periods, a brown discharge is your cue that you are soon going to get your periods.

Brown Discharge and Birth Control

Birth control changes the hormonal levels of your body. These hormones are essential for triggering ovulation and menstruation. For this reason, many women have a brownish discharge when on birth control.

READ ALSO: What Happens To A Woman’s Body When She Stops Using Hormonal Birth Control

Brown Discharge After Sexual Intercourse

It is normal to experience a brown discharge after sexual intercourse or a little blood mixed with the discharge. During arousal, your body secretes more fluid to lubricate the cervix and to help the sperm reach the egg. You may experience more brown discharge during ovulation or when bleeding starts after the release of the egg. Rough intercourse may also result in a brown discharge.

A Brown Gooey Discharge

There are a number of reasons for a brown gooey discharge. It signifies ovulation or the beginning of labor. Many women experience a brown discharge in their third trimester. A placenta that has separated from your uterus may be the reason for the discharge.

Brown Discharge and Diseases

A light brown discharge can be a sign of an STD. The main STDs associated with a brown discharge include trichomoniasis, Chlamydia, genital warts, and gonorrhea.

Cervical cancer is also associated brown vaginal discharges. Cervical cancer spreads through the human papillomavirus (HPV). Other symptoms of cervical cancer include fatigue, loss of appetite, leg pain, weight loss, and pelvic pain.

In most cases, a brown discharge is a normal body process and usually disappears in a few days. However, if the discharge remains for long, there is cause for alarm. If you are experiencing abnormal women’s discharge, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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