5 DIY Masks for Firming Breasts!
Are you sad because your breasts are already moving south? Yoga and some exercises can help firming breasts, and so can some of these easy recipes made from things you probably have in your kitchen!
As we age, especially if we have had children, our breast tissue can see many changes, going from firm to floppy, and often hanging quite a bit lower than they did when we were young. Some of us see these changes as an inevitable part of growing older, others want to stave off the ravages of time as long as possible.
For centuries many who are small-breasted wish for larger breasts, and vice versa. In addition to firming exercises, you can try homemade masks on your breast tissue to enhance firmness and growth of breast tissue.
Yogurt and Egg Mask- firming recipe
This is an easy recipe suitable for all types of breasts. As it is made from all-natural ingredients, you can use the mask as often as you want and it will not harm you. You need:
1 tablespoon plain yogurt
1 egg
1 tablespoon vitamin E oil
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and massage evenly into your breast tissue, put on an old shirt to cover, leave for 20–25 minutes and rinse it off with warm water.
Apple Mask- firming recipe
This is a traditional recipe that requires few ingredients and just a little time. You will need:
2 Apples – or apple juice
Milk – about 4 cups
Finely chop the apples and pour milk over them in a bowl. Boil until you get a thick paste, let it cool then massage it onto your breast tissue. Leave on for 15 minutes then wash it off with warm water then rinse with cold water to help tighten the skin.
Fenugreek Powder Mask- enlargement
This recipe is for enlargement, you will need:
Fenugreek Powder – 4 tablespoons
Water (enough to make a paste)
Mix the two ingredients well to make a paste. Massage on your breasts for a few minutes in a circular motion. Leave on paste for 20–25 minutes then wash it off with warm water.
Sour Cream Mask- enlargement
This mask is effective for breast augmentation and also nourishes the skin of your upper chest. Mix 3-4 ounces regular sour cream with one egg yolk in a bowl, add 1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice then apply evenly to breasts and leave for 30 minutes, wash off with warm water.
Fennel Oil Mask-enlargement
Mix 3 tablespoons fennel seeds in a half-cup cod liver oil in a small pan, heat the mixture until the fennel seeds turn red, filter it and let it cool to a comfortable massage temperature, massage into your breasts and leave on for 30 minutes then wash it off with warm water. You can use other oils if desired, including vegetable, carrot, lemongrass, or spearmint oils.
Note: Do not use more than 2 drops of lemongrass or spearmint oil to massage your breasts as they are strong and can cause a burning sensation. Use them with other vegetable oils.
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[Last Updated on June 16th 2014]