
The Positive Side of Medicine

12 Super-foods for a Long and Healthy Life

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12 Super-foods for a Long and Healthy Life

What, when and how we eat has a profound influence on how long we live, so if you are interested in a long healthy life, here are some of the most compelling and surprising tips for you to include in your daily diet:

1. Broccoli, grapes and salad
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, high in nutrients and low in calories is your best bet for a long life, compounds in these three foods pack extra life-extending benefits.

2. Berries
These bite-sized fruit favorites are full of antioxidants, known to boost immunity and stave off life-threatening diseases.

3. Garlic
Phytochemicals in garlic can halt the formation of carcinogenic chemicals in the body.

4. Olive oil
This monounsaturated good fat is well known for its heart-health and longevity benefits.

5. Bok choy
Cruciferous vegetables like this one contain nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, and folate, that can help you cheat death.

12 Super-foods for a Long and Healthy Life

6. Avocado
Avocados can lower your LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol while raising your HDL, or good levels, they also help your body absorb heart-healthy vitamins like beta-carotene and lycopene.

7. Tomatoes
Eating cooked tomatoes increases the amount of carcinogen-fighting carotenoids your body is able to absorb.

8. Beans
A diet rich in beans and legumes increases levels of the fatty acid butyrate, which can protect against cancer growth.

9. Grains and seeds
Fiber can protect against diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, and obesity, and can reduce cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure.

10. Booze in moderation

Small amounts of alcohol can have heart-health benefits, moderate drinkers tend to live longer than heavier imbibers or teetotalers.

11. Pureh tea

An earthy, rich variety that contains even more antioxidants than its better-known green counterpart.

12. Chocolate

Flavonols are one of the most powerful antioxidants and are found in cocoa beans. Stick with dark chocolate.

Source: http://health.yahoo.net/articles/nutrition/photos/superfood-secrets-long-and-healthy-life#15

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