
Behind Closed Doors: The Chilling Secrets of Animal Hoarding Revealed!

Animal hoarding, a complex and troubling condition, involves accumulating a multitude of pets beyond one’s capacity to care for them. While some individuals genuinely intend to rescue animals, the situation often spirals out of control, leading to harm for both the hoarder and the animals involved. This article aims to shed light on the subtle […]

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Breaking the Cycle: Childhood Verbal Abuse and the Road to Healing

Child maltreatment is a pervasive issue, with several subtypes recognized, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, and neglect. While emotional abuse is acknowledged, it lacks a specific focus on the adult’s actions, leading to verbal abuse being often normalized or ignored. A systematic review conducted by researchers at UCL and Wingate University emphasizes the importance

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Why Wearables Are the Next Frontier of Mental Health Research

Why Wearables Are the Next Frontier of Mental Health Research

Healthcare providers have long understood that there is a connection between mental and physical health. Chronic stress, for instance, can have a devastating impact on one’s health. Not only can it change physical chemistry, causing disease or exacerbating existing condans, but it can also lead one to engage in unhealthy habits that worsen physical illness.

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Brains of Obese Teenagers Unusually Susceptible to Food Commercials

Brains of Obese Teenagers Unusually Susceptible to Food Commercials Keep overweight adolescents away from food commercials or they may face difficulty losing weight. Sounds a bit weird, right? Unfortunately a Dartmouth study reveals that TV food commercials disproportionately stimulate the brains of obese teenagers, including parts of the brain known to control taste, pleasure, and

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