Urinary Tract Infections Affect Millions The Cures Are Faltering
Millions of people come down with a urinary tract infection every year, and it’s considered a common condition. The frightening aspect is that antibiotics used
The Positive Side of Medicine
Millions of people come down with a urinary tract infection every year, and it’s considered a common condition. The frightening aspect is that antibiotics used
The Bitter Truth Behind Bottled Drinking WaterBy PositiveMed-TeamEdited By: Stephanie Dawson Many people believe that bottled drinking water is healthier than tap water because of
Demodex Folliculorum is a mite parasite that exists on humans, especially in hairy parts of the body. These mites go unnoticed for the most part.
[nextpage title=”…”] This article may help you to be aware that what you think is healthy might be the opposite. Here is the list: Pasta:
Don’t hold to anger,hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from love.
A few people mentioned that the last kale drink had so much sugar, well here is one with none for those of us watching sugar
The Positive Side of Medicine