David Wolfe Top 10 Superfoods List

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By: Marina Solovyov

In the winter Superfoods article, we examined superfoods that can be found in most supermarkets and are easily recognized  by shoppers.

However, there is another group of superfoods that are less mainstream. These superfoods have higher lists of nutrients that regular superfoods can’t compare with. Such kinds of superfoods usually need to be mixed into smoothies or meals but a few like chia seeds or goji berries can be eaten in their original state.

In my personal opinion, no one knows better about these superfoods than Raw Food Guru David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe. If you are interested in raw food or superfoods than you need to check him out. Click on link to see his free videos.

At the bottom, find links to natural, organic, and online superfoods providers that I trust or have been recommended to me through IIN classmates.

The “David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe List”

1. Acai – this little berry has been touted about in the form of weight loss pill for years. Personally, I think that acai has been devalued due to over marketing and cheapening the product through telemmercials. However, the reality is that in its natural state, this little berry has anti-oxidant properties that out perform any other food on the planet. The acai berry is also packed with essential omega fats and amino acids. Take acai to improve energy, lose weight, balance hormones, and make your skin shine.

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Source: txkidskitchen.com via Leah on Pinterest

Acai comes in powder, frozen, and fresh. Mix it into smoothies, desserts, meals, or eat with breakfast.

acai smoothie

2. Cacao ( raw chocolate) – ” The food of the Gods” is the worlds best source of antioxidants, magnesium, iron, manganese, and chromium. Raw cacao comes in many forms: whole cacao beans, cacao nibs, cacao powder, and cacao butter. Raw Chocolate improves cardiovascular health, builds strong bones, is a natural aphrodisiac, elevates your mood and energy, and increases longevity.

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Source: fineandraw.com via Designerd on Pinterest

3. Goji Berries (wolfberries) — among many things, goji berries have been linked to clearing the skin, protecting the immune system, anti-aging, reducing body aches, and lowering their blood cholesterol and triglycerides. They contain amazing properties like 18 kinds of amino acids, including all 8 essential amino acids, up to 21 trace minerals, high amounts of antioxidants, iron, polysaccharides, B & E vitamins, and many other nutrients.

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Source: gojiactive.info via Mia on Pinterest

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Source: elanaspantry.com via Hallie on Pinterest

4. Maca — a nutrient rich plant that has grown in the Peruvian Andes for thousands of years. In general, it is famous for its ability to increase energy and libido. Women especially appreciate maca for its ability to naturally balance hormones, increase bone strength, regulate menstrual cycles, reduce cramping or PMS symtons.

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Source: fitness.wesoslim.com via Alyson on Pinterest

Dried maca powder contains more than 10% protein, nearly 20 amino acids, including 7 essential amino acids. As a root crop, maca contains five times more protein than a potato and four times more fiber.

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5. Hemp Products – They have a light, nutty flavor, and can be eaten raw, mixed into smoothies, or baked with. Hemp seeds are loved by non meat eaters for being a perfect protein. Hemp seeds are packed with 33% pure digestible protein, and are rich in iron, amino acids, and vitamin E as well as omega-3′s and GLA.

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Source: organicjar.com via Christina on Pinterest

For the rest of Superfoods visit Marina’s Tokyo Cafe.

Now you know some of abc’s of superfoods. Next week we can talk recipes. Every weekend I will be featuring superfoods from around the world with tips and guidance for how to use them.

Like always, if there are any questions or superfoods you’d like me to cover, please leave a comment below.

Also don’t forget to check out Marina’s fabulous articles about Winter Superfoods and A Traditional Japanese Breakfast. 

Sources: Institute of Integrative Nutrition and David Avocado Wolfe

Marina Solovyov graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and is now a holistic health coach based in Tokyo, Japan. She writes about Japanese cooking, traditions, and recipes on her website Marina’s Tokyo Cafe.

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