Smoking and use of alcohol

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More than one in 10 U.S. children live with an alcoholic parent and are at increased risk of developing a host of health problems of their own, according to researchers at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). As they analyzed national survey data from 2005 through 2010, they found that, on average, 7.5 million children — about 10.5 percent of the country’s under-18 population — lived with a parent abusing alcohol during any given year. The research, published in February 2012, also showed that children living with alcoholic parents are at greater risk of suffering from a number of mental health problems, including depression and anxiety.

In this page you can find some visualized data about smoking and alcohol. While tobacco is among the leading causes of death around the world, and most people are aware of it’s harms, but there is a long way to convince smokers to quit.

1. Here is an infographic which compares the use of tobacco and second hand exposure in different countries. This infographic is a collaboration of Good and Column Five.

Smoking, an infographic by Good and Column Five

2. Production companies are banned to show smoking in movies in many countries; In many countries restaurants, coffee shops, offices and many public places are banned for smoking. But after all you see in a freezing day smokers are standing in cold weather to have their daily pleasure. Ever noticed why is it so hard for smokers to quit? Find out the answer in this amazing quote by Good and Column Five:

Ever noticed why is it so hard for smokers to quit smoking? Check out this amazing quote by Good and Column Five.

3. This infographic visualizes demographic use of alcohol in United States and also provide information about alcoholic content of different beverages. Also it’s useful to know how much each drink affect BAC to be safe for driving.

Alcohol consumption in United States

How much is consumption of alcohol in US? Who use more alcohol? What drinks have more alcohol? … All answers are in this beautiful infographic by

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