Cold and Flu

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Last Updated 11/11/12


With the cold season approaching, we should prepare ourselves to fight against the most common human disease. All of us have suffered from cold and flu symptoms. In this page you’ll find the latest posts and findings about cold and flu and hopefully, we won’t spend too much time sick this fall and winter!

The first post is from Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum who is a board certified internist and best-selling author of From Fatigued to Fantastic!, Beat Sugar Addiction Now!, and Pain Free 1-2-3. This post is from our friends in ShareCare and besides, they’re a very good team and you should check their website.

His advice is to keep ProBoost in your cabinet and once you have cold symptoms use it 3 times a day under your tongue. You’d be free of cold the next day! Also Oscillococcinum is very helpful and you should start it right after you feel flu symptoms.

Of course the most important thing you should do is to drink lots of fluids and sleep well.

There are 6 herbal remedies by “medicine hunter” Chris Kilham. Chris Kilham is a medicine hunter, author, educator, and world-traveler researching and promoting plant-based medicines. He is the founder of Medicine Hunter, Inc., and is a Fox News integrative alternative medicine TV personality and columnist.Chris has been travelling all around the world to find the best herbal and natural remedies from North pole to Papua New guinea!

 1. Fresh ginger root

” Buy ginger fresh (organic is preferred), and cut a piece about an inch and a half long. Either chop that piece very finely or grate it. Put the finely minced ginger into a tea strainer, and put the tea strainer in a cup. Pour fresh boiling water into the cup. Let the tea sit for five minutes. Remove the tea strainer, and squeeze the ginger with a spoon to get a bit more of the ginger juice into the cup. Flavor with a spoonful of honey and sip. “

2. Eucalyptus essential oil

” Fill the bathroom sink with hot water. Drop three to five drops of eucalyptus essential oil into the sink water. Drape a towel over your head, and bend over the sink. Breathe the vapors. Do this for five minutes. Eucalyptus essential oil is nature’s very best decongestant.” 



3. Echinacea

” Your best Echinacea remedies are those made from fresh Echinacea. Try the Gaia Herbs brand or the Herb Pharm brand of fluid Echinacea extracts, or Echinaforce by A. Vogel.”

4. Umcka

” My two favorite brands are Umcka by Nature’s Way, and Cold Check by EuroPharma, which contains both umcka and another cold-fighting herb Andrographis.”


5. Elder flower tea

” Both a traditional remedy and a well studied modern medicine”. You can find Elderflower drink in most supermarkets. I was in IKEA and they have 3 of this drink (small size 200 ml) for 2$. That’s a good deal!



6. The super decongestant tea of all time

“If your local natural food store has loose herbs, buy equal amounts of eucalyptus, hyssop and sage. Add equal amounts of the three herbs together. Put a teaspoon of the mixture into a tea strainer. Pour freshly boiled water over the herbs and let steep for three minutes. Strain and drink. I have found that when nothing else will provide decongestant relief, this remarkable tea will do so very effectively. Drink one to three cups daily, and stop if your sinuses dry out too much.”


Good news for yogurt lovers:

Eating yogurt could be the key to staying healthy during the cold and flu season. Probiotics (the “good” and beneficial bacteria) found in yogurt (and many other dairy products) may help you to fight colds and other upper respiratory tract infections!

The immune system boosting effect of probiotics is by their role in fortifying gastrointestinal integrity, as well as by empowering phagocytes and other immune cells in our body.

More info:

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