All Positive Experiences

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Every second thousands of people help others to have a healthier and more positive life. We’re going to find and share some of your stories with others. The more you share, the more lives will be changed:

To share your stories you can go to forum section of our Facebook page or you can simply email us at positiveMed[at]gmail[dot]com…You can also comment on the bottom of this page.

Kidney Wishes: How a kidney can save a life? By Marina Gallagher

Because Of Social Networking: How social networks can help good people to save lives? By Bonnie Goldberg

Bonnie’s Story: A living donor’s story By Bonnie Goldberg

Losing weight vs. healthy and fit by Daniel Chidiac

The secret behind making home better: “LASH IT OUT!” By Kehinde S. Afolayan

Creating Balance in Everyday Life  By Dr. Arianna Sholes-Douglas

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How Not to Marry the Wrong Person

How Not to Marry the Wrong Person Edited By: Stephanie Dawson • Focus more on character than chemistry Love is a temporary psychosis. Never marry

all positive experiences

But, You Don’t Look Sick!!

For all of my friends and family who also suffer from an “invisible illness, and for the people that love them, a small list of


Stay Healthy, Do CrossFit

CrossFit is a workout regime that incorporates elements of Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics, high-intensity interval training, plyometrics, calisthenics, powerlifting and other exercises. It uses constantly varied

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