Mental Health
Being healthy mentally is a big part of total health, this is a great poster with helpful hints and ideas to stay healthy. Remember, this is not intended to replace your Dr.’s advice but to work with it. Stay healthy, stay happy!
Being healthy mentally is a big part of total health, this is a great poster with helpful hints and ideas to stay healthy. Remember, this is not intended to replace your Dr.’s advice but to work with it. Stay healthy, stay happy!
This is the coolest thing I have seen in a while, and so easy even I could do it well! People are raising the bar on Halloween parties, get a jump on the competition with this pumpkin keg. All you need is a large pumpkin, a carving kit or kitchen knife, a plastic spigot, your
An Easy Pumpkin Keg Read More »
Somehow we are failing to teach our children that they are beautiful just the way they are, and their beauty is not measured in a size. This poster on the facts about eating disorders saddens me, I remember my former stepdaughter, at age 6, refusing an ice cream cone on a hot day at the
This is a funny look at some common (and uncommon!) disorders as seen through the eyes of some favorite cartoon characters, so much more than a fun introduction to classical music… this made me laugh a lot, and laughter is good for the soul!
Cartoons and Mental Health Read More »
Everything you ever wondered about autism and didn’t know who to ask… this is an amazing poster breaking down the information in an easy to read format, handy to keep, handy to share: SOURCE:
Autism, Just the Facts Read More »
These amazing college students turned some knowledge into an arm for an 8 year old boy who was born with a shortened arm with only two fingers. Watch this as he tells what he wants and the students figure it out and get it to him, very heartwarming!
Daniel and his custom-made hand Read More »
Here’s Stella’s story from Humans Of New York’s Facebook page: “Today I met an NYU student named Stella. I took a photo of her. Afterwards, she told me about a self-portrait she recently posted on Tumblr. So, instead of the photo I took, here is her self-portrait. Along with the words she wrote: —————————————- WARNING:
Let’s All Reclaim Our Bodies And Hug Each Other Read More »
[By Peter Waite] I never expected to run a 5K race. In fact, I never expected to run again in my life, period. Having battled chronic illness for 17 years and suffered a serious leg injury 10 years ago, running wasn’t even on my mental radar. Over the years just walking has been difficult for
How I ran a 5K with chronic illness Read More »
I love this poster, it shows where the dirtiest places you touch are, and how to properly clean your electronic devices. I am going to log off the computer, wash my hands, and clean it, maybe you should too!
Gross!! Don’t Touch That Remote!! Read More »
Another great poster showing what an ounce of something looks like, or a proper serving, again hands vary greatly in size so keep that in mind. If you have very large hands a portion will look smaller, and if you have very small hands it will look larger. Enjoy!
I love this poster! I didn’t know this stuff, and it’s very cool, and I’m a nurse! The human body is a disgusting and fascinating place… learning how it operates is a small part of learning how to properly maintain it, enjoy!
Ten Cool Things About Your Body Read More »
“Ask yourself- Why do I want what I want? The answers to this question are the foundation of all your success and motivation.” -Daniel Chidiac- In order to be successful, you must have purpose. In Napoleon Hill’s masterpiece Think and Grow Rich, he presented the idea of a ‘Definite Major Purpose’ as a challenge to
You know, what do you know about water? This is some great information about water, why we use it, what for, and how to save some of it. Reduce, reuse, recycle… I can’t say it enough. When I am running water to get it hot I save it into a container, I then use that
Test Your Water IQ Read More »
It’s amazing what we can learn from monkeys, just like it’s amazing what children learn from us. Think about what you are teaching, think about the lessons you are passing on to those who come after. After all, we don’t have the excuse,”they’re wild animals, what do you expect?” We are supposed to be a
Monkey See, Monkey Do Read More »
Did you know blushing is a unique human phenomenon and it has a scientific reason? Blushing is a natural manifestation of different emotions, but in 5-7% of the population it becomes chronic. Learn more about the function of blushing in this video: For some people blushing becomes devastating. For example, Brandon Thomas, a 20-year-old University
Yes, I came up with that one myself. It’s breast cancer awareness month, all through October we will be sharing facts, figures, etc. with you. This wonderful poster has myths and facts, a great resource read! Save the girls!
I absolutely love this! Edible flowers that are so easy it doesn’t even have words, just a pictorial presentation. I can’t wait to try these!If anyone beats me to it, be sure and post how they turned out for me.
It’s baking season, and if I had this helper in my kitchen I would bake with him every day! The video is charming, the host is super adorable, the cupcakes look easy and delicious, I am picking up the rest of the ingredients this weekend to try it, I think you all should too! Personally
Vegan Pumpkin Cupcakes Read More »