Less Stress Guide
Stress is a huge problem already, and as we enter the holiday season it will only accumulate more. This is a great guide for stress in the workplace, having less is beneficial to employees and employers.
Stress is a huge problem already, and as we enter the holiday season it will only accumulate more. This is a great guide for stress in the workplace, having less is beneficial to employees and employers.
I know several people who do both, I have leaned towards Pilates because there are less poses I just can’t do in my broken body, but now that I am looking at this poster I remember the calming effect of yoga when my kids were little and I think I will try to practice both…
I have had this saved for some time, I love it, but I never knew quite what to do with it, so I decided that today I must share these words of wisdom, a tongue in cheek look at how things work, have a happy life!
The Rules of Being Human Read More »
A heat index Whoa Baby!! to ARGHHH Cut out My Tongue!! This handy index gives you the names of different peppers in your comfort zone, and the names of some you may want to avoid. I have seen a pepper sauce that was black-purple, and burned my nose to sniff it, I didn’t want to
I know you have heard of them, but maybe feel silly asking where they are and what they are. This poster shows the 7 chakras and their location in the body. A disruption in any of the areas can cause pain and illness.
10 awesome ways to help take stress out of your life, and who doesn’t need less stress? I love all of these ideas, and remember, if you need an ear, we are always here, and always will listen.
House Plants that Clean Your Air We live in a world that is full of toxic chemicals. From the food that we eat to the house we live in, we face different types of toxins with known and unknown effects on our overall health. Any houseplant produces oxygen, as well as adding to the beauty
6 House Plants that Clean Your Air Read More »
If I can find a natural remedy for something I would way rather use it than medications. Right now I take several medications for my condition, I also take natural supplements and try different diets, it works for me. Herbs also add fun and flavor to your foods, it’s a win/win deal.
I have always really loved hand massages, this poster shows us why. Your hands carry a link to all the important areas of your body. It’s also a nice activity as couples, or a loving gesture for a child or elderly relative.
What Your Hands Know Read More »
Fruit is delicious and nutritious and here is a poster with even more good news about fruit individually. I was reading lately to eat for the season, seasonal fruits, I love apples, and eat one almost every day. I also love grapes, and bananas, and pomegranate, and peaches, and strawberries…
This poster shows ways to combine food for better health. It’s a great way to get the maximum nutrition from your food. Also more delicious, think guacamole or breakfast of oatmeal and orange juice, a big bright platter of fruits, the possibilities are endless!
Detoxification is essential to the weight loss process. There are as many ways to detox as there are diets. Go with something that works for you and that is within your diet. Starting off your day with at least 16 oz. of water, preferably with lemon, is an excellent start! This poster shows how it
Lessons from a brilliant and beautiful mind. I love these, most of it is common sense, but in our busy hectic lives the common is often overlooked. Live in the now, enjoy each moment, improve your odds… timeless…
Life Lessons From Albert Einstein Read More »
I am including this one just because I love it! It is also true, I am glad to be one of the crazy creative loving people in the world. I fully believe that people who look at the world a bit differently, who do not follow the crowd, these are the people that change the
All about the hot stuff… capsaicin is very good for your body, I found an awesome poster to share showing the benefits. I have been taking a cayenne pepper supplement for years, I have been told it helps with GI distress, I know it’s odd, that hot peppers heal a tummy, but I can tell
We have published some that are more informative, but this is a more fun look at how the brain works on each side. The differences are surprising, I still think I am right in the middle somewhere. Is anyone else in the middle?
More Right Brain vs Left Brain Read More »
All the great stuff about walking in one wonderful poster! Walking is easy (for most of us) cheap, and you can do it anywhere. It is the easiest way to walk yourself to fitness. Even though I now walk with a cane, I so look forward to my daily walks!
Yes there are foods that do improve your brain function. I have fibromyalgia and suffer from “brain fog” so I am always looking for healthier ways to eat to stay on an even keel, hopefully someday with less medications. Everyone needs to boost brain function, no matter the state of your health. You only get