Author name: PositiveMed Team

If you’re burning by your hot spicy food…

If you’re burning by your hot spicy food…Don’t drink water! Instead of water, try dairy products such as yogurt! They contain an enzyme that breaks the bonds between capsaicin and the pain receptors. Capsaicin is the active component of chili peppers, which is responsible for the burning sensation of the spicy foods. Interestingly, only mammals,

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Benefits of Gemstones

I know different gemstones have long been believed to hold healing properties. Sometimes the descriptions vary as to supplier; this is a good general guide for what healing is associated with what stones. I like them because they are pretty.  If they improve my life, this is even better. . Here is another interesting guide

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5 Tips for Caregivers

So, you have opted to take care of your loved one with Alzheimer’s, or another debilitating disease, yourself. Very noble and loving, also very stressful. This poster shows some easy things to do to help manage stress, always remember, the caregiver needs loving care as well.    

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Coffee and Tea

Everything you ever wanted to know about the benefits of coffee vs. the benefits of tea. Both are good in different ways, depending on what you are looking for. This poster lays it all out with the facts. I like coffee in the morning and tea at night. Anyone want to weigh in?

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