
The Positive Side of Medicine

Eat Like The GAME CHANGER, It’s Healthier, Change The Mindset to Be Better

Eat Like The GAME CHANGER, It's Healthier, Change The Mindset to Be Better

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With all the health news about the benefits of a plant-based diet, the directors of the new film Gamechangers wanted to show that realistically and scientifically, a diet based on plants is optimum. They made all the information available to demonstrate that transitioning to a plant-based diet would be a game-changer in your life, so the film takes three NFL football players and proves the energy, power, and sustainability of a plant-based diet.  The Game changers are streaming on Netflix.

Eat Like The GAME CHANGER, It's Healthier, Change The Mindset to Be Better

Why Would You Want to Change?

The simple answer is because of all the benefits that come with a plant-based diet as opposed to a meat-based. A large variety of nutritious foods to choose from, easily digestible protein, longer life, and less disease are only a few. For decades, the media has instilled into the minds of consumers that a vegan/vegetarian diet is insufficient for your body’s needs especially with protein, and that is not true! Meat is not the only source of complete protein. 

Well, has anyone ever told that to an ox or a cow, let alone three sizeable NFL players and many bodybuilders have proven that information wrong? The truth is they all consume plants; they do not eat any animals for protein. This is beneficial for both humans and animals because the animals don’t have to become the “middle man” when it comes to humans consuming enough protein. Humans can simply consume the plants, and receive all the vitamins, minerals and protein while saving the cow and the chicken. 

But there is so much confusion surrounding this issue that most people feel overwhelmed by the conflicting nutritional information that is put before them. The movie explains and demonstrates this, and by looking at how the plants make a superior food source, the results speak for themselves. Plants contain many times more antioxidants than meat, which reduces inflammation and is necessary for your immune system. Plants are easier to digest and yet, they contain all 23 of the amino acids, which is the foundation of protein and required for a well-functioning body. It’s a game-changer!

What Would I Eat Every Day?

The key to a successful diet for most people is satisfaction and variety while they obtain all the essential nutrients their body needs. Carbs are a major component of plants, so many people think that they will get too many carbs and gain weight. The body naturally subsists and produces energy with the natural plant carbohydrates you consume, and a diet based on plants supplies a large variety of nutrients, carbs and amino acids required for a healthy, energetic system. All the delicious fruits, vegetables, and grains available to you contribute the certain nutrients required at differing levels, so you simply mix and match to get a wonderful supply. You can find delicious recipes on websites such as All Recipes.com.

Changing Your Mindset to a Better Way of Life

The Game changers explain and answers your questions for an incredible, healthier lifestyle with a vegan/vegetarian diet both scientifically and practically. Gamechangersmovie.com/food offers insight into a well-balanced lifestyle that will increase energy and well-being even if you start out by only replacing one or two regular meat-based dinners a week. You are going to love the results you get!

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