
The Positive Side of Medicine


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The Google Diet

Click image to enlargeVia: MSI   Google is known for its data and how it optimizes its community – but did you know that they also

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One Minute Meditation

One Minute Meditation. I have been practicing Ayurvedic Breathing for a while now, and as I was researching new techniques I came across this video,


Post Workout Protein Shakes from Chobani

These wonderful smoothie recipes are perfect after a hard workout, this is not only because of the powerful antioxidants in the fruits and other ingredients

Quotes For You

Being stuck in the past is like walking

Being stuck in the past is like walking forward with your back facing the front. you’ll always miss out on what’s in front of you.


Why Does Your Hair Turn Gray?

Why Does Your Hair Turn Gray? [nextpage title=”…”] Age is something we cannot avoid or stop and graying is part of the aging process, we

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