6 Ways To Help Her Remember How Freaking SEXY She Is

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6 Ways To Help Her Remember How Freaking SEXY She Is

6 Ways To Help Her Remember How Freaking SEXY She Is

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Most men are experienced with dating women who have insecurities with their physical appearance or personality. It’s common for women to feel insufficient with their figure, hair, or facial features due to comparing themselves to other women. Although it can be easy for men to brush off their partner’s feelings, it’s important to encourage her and allow her to feel valued. To remind your significant other of how attractive she is, there are a few important steps to take.


Give Her Daily Compliments

Whether you tell her how much you’re attracted to her legs or comment on the beauty of her hair, there are small compliments that you can make to uplift your girlfriend or wife. Women spend a significant amount of time getting ready each day and still suffer from a lack of confidence, which makes it important to build her up without having to go overboard. Take notice of a new outfit that she’s wearing or brag about how good she looks in front of her friends to boost her mood and make her feel valued.

Flirt with Her

Many people make the mistake of allowing the romance and fire to die down once they’re already in a relationship. This can allow a woman to question if she’s still desirable and if you’re attracted to her after several years together. Turn up the heat by flirting with her and whispering in her ear, which will allow her to feel $exy. You can even put your hand on the small of her back or rub her shoulders to make her feel attractive. Making these small gestures in public places can make your love life more exciting and will allow her to have a boost in her self-confidence when you’re together.

Write Sweet Notes

Surprise your sweetheart with notes that you leave in her purse or car, which can be written on paper or even a napkin that you find. Tell her how attracted you are or how stunning she looks in a particular outfit. The note will make her smile and will help her to know that you’re thinking of her even when you’re not together.

For special occasions of when she’s feeling insecure, make it a point to write a longer letter that has more meaning. Reminisce to the first time that you saw her and what first attracted you to her. You can elaborate on your feelings and how she continues to become more beautiful over time, which will remind her that she’s still gorgeous.

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Buy Her Gifts

Women naturally feel more sexy when their significant other buys them gifts that they can wear. Whether it’s a small bottle of perfume or a flirty skirt that falls above the knees, the gifts will tell your woman that you like the way that she looks and that certain items remind you of her. Communicate why you purchased the gift to ensure that she doesn’t get the wrong idea and can appreciate the care and thoughtfulness that went into it.

Avoid Looking at Other Women

According to charismamag.com, many women begin to feel insecure when their man looks at other women, whether it’s out in public or on the Internet. Remain faithful to her with your eyes and comments that you make, which will allow her to believe you when you say that she’s the only one for you. Your actions will ultimately speak louder than words and can protect her from feeling incompetent with her physical appearance.

Dress Up for Her

You can allow your woman to feel attractive and valued just by dressing up for her when you’re going out to dinner or are enjoying a quiet night in. By shaving, putting on cologne, and wearing your best outfit, you can show her that you want to look good for her because you’re attracted to who she is as a woman. According to elephantjournal.com, this can help her to feel appreciated and cared for with the action instead of staying with a man who doesn’t maintain his appearance. This can also set a mood for !ntimacy and increase your natural attraction to one another.


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