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5 Ways to Help Your Wife Feel Desirable in Bed
Women in even the most loving relationships will find themselves going through bouts of insecurity. Whether it’s from their body image, emotional state or external problems like pressures at work, their struggles can have an impact on how desirable they feel, which can take a massive hit on their comfortability in the bedroom.
If you want to help your wife feel as $exy and beautiful as you know she is, follow these 5 steps and help her slowly rebuild her self-image.
Compliment Her and Be Specific
If she’s feeling especially self-conscious about her baby weight, stretch marks, scars or anything else, make sure that you assure her all the reasons you find her attractive. Instead of saying “you look great”, pinpoint specific aspects of her appearance that drive you wild. If you can, spin the things she’s least confident about into a positive. If she is complaining about how fat she is, tell her how attractive you find her curves. Replacing her negative thoughts and words with more positive ones can help her develop a stronger self-image over time.
Communicate More
A lot of women may feel like they’re not being truly understood, so the best solution can be to just sit down and ask your wife how she’s feeling. Ask her about work. About her family. About her friends. Get to fully know everything going on in her life and offer solutions to the problems that are troubling her. You may not have all the answers, but your effort to help and desire to just listen will have a huge impact.
Flirt with Her
Send her text messages throughout the day. Whisper $exy things and flirty remarks in her ear. Touch the small of her back when you pass in the kitchen. One major complaint among women who are experiencing low self-confidence around their husbands is that he no longer appears interested. Sleeping with her isn’t enough. Make her feel desirable by acting how you did when you were still weren’t sure she liked you.
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Make Eye Contact
Not just in the bedroom, but when you’re eating dinner, watching TV or just having a chat. We can just so accustomed to someone’s presence that we forget to acknowledge it. Men are visual and like to be stimulated. Women like to feel admired and beautiful, so check her out and tell her how much she turns you on. She may laugh it off at first, but it will make a difference.
Show Some PDA
You don’t need to emulate the slobbering teenagers in the movie theater, but getting a little frisky once and awhile when you’re out together will make your wife feel better. She’ll feel wanted, because you’re clearly happy to show that you’re with her in public. Hold her hand, stroke her arm, give her a kiss for no reason.
The Secret to Self-Confidence in Marriage
We’re all well-aware that self-confidence is how we feel about ourselves. But we also have to understand that feeling confident isn’t just about giving ourselves pop talks in the mirror and admiring our strongest qualities. In order to truly feel like we’re valuable human beings, we need the confirmation from a few close people through expressions of affection.
Everyone has their own love language, and if you want to know yours and your wife’s, try this quiz. Once you understand how each of you both demonstrate and receive affection, you’ll be more well-equipped to give one another the type of love you need to truly feel valued.
The secret to making your wife feel desirable is to treat her like she’s something new. Obviously none of us can maintain the level of affection and passion we had when we first met, but that doesn’t mean we can’t continue to make one another feel attractive and desirable. It just takes more effort than before, but effort is what marriage is all about, and the fact that you’re trying alone is a great start and huge gesture.