Beat Your Insomnia With THIS Simple Spice

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Beat Your Insomnia With THIS Simple Spice

Beat Your Insomnia With THIS Simple Spice

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Insomnia is a sleep disorder that causes sufferers to have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. They constantly awaken while sleeping, often cannot sleep late and arise early each day. Sufferers feel moody, tired and forgetful without a good night’s sleep. They are also at risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and a less effective immune system. This condition affects approximately one third of the population.


Nutmeg has been used for centuries as a cure for multiple health conditions like digestive problems, pain, and detoxifying the liver and kidneys. This spice contains antioxidants and vitamins A, B, folic acid, riboflavin and niacin. It also consists of minerals like potassium, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, manganese and magnesium. Medical studies have shown that nutmeg is also a health benefit for adults suffering from insomnia.

Insomnia and Its Causes
Insomnia affects women but mostly men who are obese, smoke or are in their middle to late years. There are three levels of duration for this condition. Transient insomnia is temporary and lasts less than one week. Acute insomnia happens less than one month, and chronic insomnia lasts longer than one month. There are two types of insomnia. Primary insomnia is not caused by any health issues. Secondary insomnia is due to illness, medication, psychological issues like depression or anxiety, physical pain, stress, obesity, alcohol use and changes in routine.

How Nutmeg Improves Insomnia
Studies published by the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in July 1982 and a similar study published in Psychopharmacology in 2005 detail the findings of using fresh, ground nutmeg for insomnia. This common spice contains trimyristin that is a saturated fat and triglyceride. This component induces sleep by relaxing muscles and nerves. It also soothes areas of the brain and reduces pain that leads to insomnia. It contains essential oils that are natural antidepressants for those suffering from anxiety and depression.

RELATED ARTICLE: Powerful Tips For Bidding Goodbye to Insomnia

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Preparing and Consuming Nutmeg
Adults suffering from insomnia can take fresh, powdered nutmeg in small doses before bedtime. Taking too much of this spice will cause harmful reactions like disorientation, dizziness, nausea, increased heart rate, anxiety, dry mouth and thirst. Severe cases experience stroke, heart attack and even death.

Recommended use includes adding one eighth teaspoon or a dash of powdered nutmeg to a cup of warm milk, tea or a spoonful of honey. This flavor can also be added to a serving of yogurt and soup. Another method is adding one quarter teaspoon to a cup of warm water or fruit juice.

Powdered nutmeg can also be combined with the clarified butter ghee to make a paste. A thin paste can then be applied on the forehead and around the eyes prior to bedtime.

Men and women trying this home remedy witness immediate results. They fall asleep quicker, enjoy less interrupted sleep and do not feel tired upon waking. The use of nutmeg before bedtime also increases the length of sleep and restores healthy sleep patterns.


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