How She Does Natural Hair Color Perk Up With Simple Ingredients

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How She Does Natural Hair Color Perk Up With Simple Ingredients

How She Does Natural Hair Color Perk Up With Simple Ingredients

If you’re a brunette or are rocking a brown dye job, you can easily boost your color at home using simple, natural ingredients found in your kitchen. Doing this about once a week will give your color a real boost. It’s fast, easy and smells like the heavenly aroma of chocolate.

How She Does Natural Hair Color Perk Up With Simple Ingredients

To do it, combine 1/2 cup of cocoa powder, 1/2 cup of plain yogurt, one teaspoon of distilled white vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in a bowl. Mix them together well to make a paste-like substance.

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After mixing, wash your hair and then towel dry it. Apply the colorant to your freshly washed hair, after placing a towel on your neck or applying petroleum jelly as this concoction will stain your skin. Leave the mixture on your hair for three minutes and then rinse.

If you’re looking for a wilder color, naturally color just the tips of your hair with a little bit of Kool-Aid. Mix warm water and Kool-aid together at any strength you like – the more Kool-Aid you use the darker your color will be. Then split your hair into pig tails and dip them into the Kool-Aid mixture. Saturate them thoroughly, smooth the water out of them and wipe with a towel. Leave the mixture in your hair for 30 minutes and then rinse away. Wear gloves when working with Kool-Aid so you don’t look like you just painted Easter eggs.

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