The Best Ways to Activate Your Fat Burning Hormones

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The Best Ways to Activate Your Fat Burning Hormones

The Best Ways to Activate Your Fat Burning Hormones

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Blasting fat from the body for good requires an understanding of how the body stores and burns fat. If you can learn to activate your fat burning hormones, you can win the battle of the bulge and enjoy a lean and trim body and optimal health for life. Follow these three simple steps to activate your body’s natural fat burning hormones.

Activate Your Fat Burning Hormones

Cut Out Sugar

Sweetened sodas, cookies and other sweet treats are simply empty calories that are standing between you and the body you want. Sugar often hides out in foods we don’t suspect—stealthily sabotaging our weight loss and fat burning efforts. Starchy vegetables, white breads and some pastas contain sugars that can make burning fat a challenge. Even some “healthy” foods like cereals contain sugar. Cutting sugar from your diet will encourage your body to use its fat stores for energy instead of the food you are eating daily. You will start to see weight loss immediately by activating your fat burning hormones.

Move More

Daily exercise is the best way to activate your fat burning hormones and fight fat for good. Performing exercise is hard work for the body and it forces your body to use energy to keep your momentum going. It does not even take strenuous exercise to activate these hormones. Simply increasing your level of activity is enough to signal the brain that extra work has to be done and the body will need to start the fat burning process. Walking a little further from the parking lot, taking the stairs and going for walks with a dog will all make a difference in the fight against fat.

Add in the Good Stuff

Adding whole grains, vegetables and fruits to your diet will do wonders for your metabolism and turn your body into a fat burning powerhouse. If you are overweight, it is difficult for your body to get all of the calories it needs to survive when your diet consists mostly of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This means that your body will have no other choice but to rely on stored fat for energy. You will see the fat fall off your body almost immediately.

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Activate Your Fat Burning Hormones 1

Imagine you go to a supermarket and need to buy flour, but the shelves are empty. The stock clerk then has to go to the stockroom and get more bags of flour to fill the shelf. As long as there are bags on the shelf, there is no need for the clerk to get more. However, when the shelf empties, he will need to use the bags that are in storage.

When you eat junk food, it is like taking bags of flour from a full shelf. Your body will simply use what is already there. There will be no need to burn stored fats. If, however, you eat healthy foods and exercise, your shelf will empty quickly, leaving you no choice but to rely on the stockroom of stored fat in the body.

Activate your fat burning hormones and turn your body into a fat-burning powerhouse.


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