6 Reasons Why You Are Feeling Gassy
Embarrassed by gas recently? It’s good to know the mechanisms as to why it happens and what you can do to avoid it. Gas develops in the stomach and intestines as your body works to break down food into energy, this process also makes you feel bloated. It’s not a serious issue but can degrade your quality of life. Some believe that eating large amounts of food causes gas, this is not true, it’s what you eat and some other factors. Here’s the list of reasons you are feeling gassy:
The major source of gas is air swallowed with food.
• Swallowing air
This is something you can’t control, it can be swallowed many ways including smoking, chewing gum, drinking water or cold drinks through a straw, eating too fast, sucking hard candies, or loose dentures. Medical conditions like sinus infections or allergies that cause postnasal drip can make you swallow excess air. Excess air makes its way into your lower digestive tract.
• Bacterial fermentation
A common cause of gas is action of harmless bacteria that occur naturally in your intestines. Gas is a natural by-product of bacterial breakdown of undigested food composed of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and, in about one-third of people, methane. The bad odor that comes from gas from the presence of sulfur.
The amount of undigested food in the large intestine is directly linked to the volume of gas. If you are eating something that your small intestine is unable to absorb then the large intestine will collect the waste and produce gas.
• Health condition
Diseases like diverticulitis or an inflammatory bowel disease, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s Disease, can cause gas in your stomach. Bacterial growth due to diabetes can also be a reason for excess gas and bloating.
• Food intolerance
If you notice gas often after eating dairy your body may be unable to break down the lactose (sugar) in dairy products. Likewise if you are gluten intolerant then the gluten in wheat and grains can produce excessive gas, weight loss, and diarrhea.
• Certain foods
There are certain foods that cause more gas than others, the most obvious being beans. Other gas-producing vegetables include cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, onions, and asparagus. Fruits like apples, pears, and peaches can also be held responsible. Sodas and fruit drinks are also on the list.
Many healthy foods are high in gas production. “People sometimes do get confused when they find out that a healthy high-fiber diet with lots of fruits and vegetables can cause excess gas symptoms,” says Edmundowicz , MD, chief of endoscopy at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. If excess gas is a problem you can slowly introduce more healthy foods into your diet, as your body gets used to the higher amount of fiber the gass effect will subside.
• High-fiber diets
Foods high in fiber like oatmeal, bran flakes, cooked barley, peas, and beans, can cause gas because some fiber can’t be digested by humans. The bacteria in the colon helps digest fiber to some extent, which is why bloating occurs. Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet, and essential for a healthy colon, your system will adjust if you eat it on a regular basis.