What Your Nail Shape Says About You

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What Your Nail Shape Says About You

What Your Nail Shape Says About You

Nails definitely aren’t the first thing you notice about a person; in fact, unless they’re extremely flashy or pointed out, most people don’t notice them at all. What most people don’t know is that the shape of your nails can actually say a lot about you and your style. Below there will be six different types of nail shapes described.

What Does Your Nail Shape Say About You


Stiletto nails are the newest trend in nails. They’re long and pointy at the tip. People who sport this style of nail are conscious of all the trends and don’t mind being in the spotlight.


This shape isn’t as subtle as other shapes can be. People who sport this style aren’t afraid to try new things, and they tend to go with experimental or statement styles as well.


This nail shape is similar to stiletto nails, but it’s rounded out at the tip instead of pointy. Those who sport this style are modern, care about quality, and avoid anything out dated or vintage.


Round nail shapes are the most common and suit almost everybody. People who have this nail shape generally don’t like to try new things with their nails, although they’re very trendy with their clothing. Their nails tend to take a back seat rather than being the star.


People have this type of nails tend to be extremely low-maintenance and put very little effort into their style. This tends to be the jeans and a t shirt type of person.


This type of nail shape is a mix between square and oval. Those have this shape aren’t into experimenting, and have likely had this nail shape for a long time. Their wardrobe tends to be classic, matching their nails perfectly.

While nails aren’t the perfect indicator of who a person is or what type of style they have, it can be a good clue. So the next time you’re struggling to figure someone out, take a lot at their nails and see what they can tell you!

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