7 Common Mistakes You Do Everyday That Make You Age Faster
Many things are thought to be outside of our locus of control. Aging quickly is often something that people think falls into this category. Thankfully, if you feel you are aging too quickly, there are ways to reverse the process.
How can I stay young, you ask? This article will address exactly that, by discussing some ways to avoid adding unnecessary extra miles to your body:
1. Actually Do Work
Thanks to dishwashers and other conveniences, we do less than ever before. Women, in particular, used to both eat less calories and burn more while doing housework. If you don’t do the grunt work, plan on exercising more.
2. Stop Slouching
Slouching is horrible for your posture, and whether you’re aware of it or not, there’s a good change that you’re doing it. One recent study showed that half of its 56 subjects who text on a daily basis experienced pain in their neck, hands, or arms. This was further exacerbated by excessive texting.
3. Eat In-Season Foods
Once again, thanks to technology, we can eat nearly any food during any time of the year. Unfortunately, foods eaten out of season are generally lower in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. They are also less likely to be grown locally, and are generally more expensive.
4. Actual Human Interaction
There is empirical evidence that actually talking to people, face-to-face, brings a number of health benefits. It may seem archaic at times with smartphones, but it benefits your vagus nerve, along with your mood.
5. Not a Fan of Tan
Tanning may be in vogue, but it is dangerous. Tanning beds, in particular, emit over 12 times as much radiation as the sun, making it much more likely you’ll get cancer. Being pale has its benefits.
6. Don’t Ignore Stress
Even if we ignore it or pretend it’s not there, stress still eats away at us. Do daily meditation, yoga, or other relaxation methods, and deal with your problems. Chronic stress can cause issues like sleep problems or acne breakouts.
7. Don’t Get Stuck to Your Desk
Sitting for extended periods of time increases your risk for cardiovascular disease, even if you do 30 or more minutes a day of moderate-to-vigorous exercise. Try to take breaks while working, and get moving!