Should You Date Someone Younger?

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Should You Date Someone Younger?

Should You Date Someone Younger?

These days it is relatively common to find couples with an older woman and younger man. When women were not economically independent this difference was viewed as politically incorrect and were considered to be relationships of convenience, often the object of critical and derogatory comments.   However, many women who are single, attractive, professionals have boyfriends, partners, or husbands younger than them. This article will highlight some benefits of dating someone younger than you.

Should You Date Someone Younger


To date someone younger can cause doubt and fear for a number of women who are afraid to start a relationship or date a much younger man, one such fear is creating an image that could be judged as inappropriate. Many women have realized that dating  younger men isn’t a sin, a mistake, or does not mean they are doing something wrong. It has certain advantages compared to maintaining a relationship with a man of the same age or older.

Some reasons for dating younger men:

  • Perhaps most important- younger men are often perceived as more physically attractive and in better physical shape than their older counterparts.
  • Younger men may be more fast-paced, laidback, or relaxed, without making too many demands, they can live peacefully and enjoy personal space.
  • A woman reaches her physical peak around 30, and is physically happiest at 40, just as older men slow down.
  • You can teach younger men and make them feel better, more alive, more important, and with a refreshing feeling of having more to give and love.
  • Dating someone younger can empower you and give you a healthy feeling of more control in the relationship. Younger men will pay more attention to what you have to say and respect your experience.  One of the reasons he will love with you is that he will admire you.
  • You can control the intensity of the romance, you have passed early life stages and you’re no longer expecting a prince. You know what you want, and maybe what to expect.
  • Some women want to enjoy good things in life they enjoy, they want excitement and fun. One of the  good things in life, obviously, is spending it with someone you like doing exciting and fun activities like traveling, backpacking, and extreme sports. They may believe older men are boring and they seek out for younger ones for that extra adrenaline rush.


  • Whatever the age difference, a couple can share their dreams, goals, and scope of life.
  • In any relationship, regardless of age, learn to negotiate boundaries and space, think compromise.
  • Maturity is not dependent on age, it’s gained by learning from mistakes and being conscious of actions and behaviors. Success in love is not a perfect age.
  • A birth certificate has nothing to do with ensuring  happiness to a partner, what does matter is a foundation based on love, respect, honesty, and shared dreams.

dating younger men 2


KEOGH, J. (2013). WHY COUGARS DESERVE RESPECT. Herizons,26(3), 14-17.
Nussbaum, E. (2009). The Cougar Moment. New York, 42(37), 65-67.
Savodnik, P. (2011). Golden Girls Gone Wild. Bloomberg Businessweek, (4229), 73-75.


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