Body Evolution- Celebrities Before and After Photoshop

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Body Evolution- Celebrities Before and After Photoshop

Model Before and After Photoshop: What’s real and what’s not these days?

These days when looking at a picture are we really seeing the truth behind the camera?! Are all the images we see (television, magazines, billboards and etc…) a bunch of touched up non realistic over the top expectations that the publisher, designer or advertiser wants us to see?!

Of course we are a society that appreciates and enjoys looking at all the beautiful things in life; but looking at this video of before and after photoshop makes me wonder when enough is enough and are we crossing a line!

The non realistic, touched up photos in the magazines these days is causing are youth to have a very high expectation of themselves and have a very low self esteem if they don’t meet the standards of beauty publicized in the in the Media. According to the ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders)  47% of girls in 5th-12th grade reported wanting to lose weight because of magazine pictures and 69% of girls in 5th-12th grade reported that magazine pictures influenced their idea of a perfect body shape!

So lets lead by example by appreciating and celebrating our non touched up beauty inside and out.


Your favorite celebrities before and after photoshop:

Angelina Jolie:


Cameron Diaz:


Kim Kardashian:
Kim Before and After photoshop

Kristen Stewart:

Penelope Cruz:

Scarlett Johansson:

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