Hormone Replacement Therapy or HRT

Hormone Replacement Therapy or HRT

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Hormone Replacement Therapy or HRT

Hormone Replacement Therapy or HRT

Edited by: Stephanie Dawson

During menopause some women opt for using medications that contain female hormones like estrogen and progesterone in order to replace the ones that have been lost after this cycle, the main purpose is to reduce menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
When a woman stops producing eggs during menopause estrogen levels reduce significantly, causing uncomfortable symptoms.

Ways of taking Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT):

• Tablets
• Gel
• Patch
• Ointment
• Implant

The following hormones are used to prevent symptoms of low estrogen:

-estrogen: which is obtained from plants or from the urine of pregnant horses

-Progesterone: having a little of this hormone does not affect your body in the way estrogen does, but it increases chances of developing endometrial cancer.

Hormone Replacement Therapy or HRT

Symptoms of low estrogen:

• Vaginal dryness
• Irregular or no periods
• Urinary problems
• Thinning hair
• Sleep problems
• Night sweats
• Moodiness
• Lower fertility
• Hot flashes
• Concentration and memory difficulties
• Decrease in breast size
• Accumulation of fatty tissue in the abdominal area

Who should take Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Age and stage of menopause will dictate whether you should take HRT or not, also there are different types, you and your doctor can determine what options are better for you.

Most Common Types of HRT:

• Estrogen-only HRT: For women who have had uterus and ovaries removed.

• Cyclical (sequential) HRT: For women menstruating and experiencing menopause symptoms. The dose is generally both hormones estrogen and progesterone at the end of the menstrual cycle for two weeks, or a daily dose for two weeks every 13 weeks

• Continuous HRT :For post-menopausal women. In this case both estrogen and also progesterone are given repeatedly.

Risky side-effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy:

• breast cancer
• heart failure
• blood clots
• stroke

Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy:

• relief of hot flashes and night sweats
• reduction of anxiety
• less vaginal dryness
• promotes better sleep
• protection against osteoporosis
• reduces itchy or burning sensation while making love

To learn more about Hormone Replacement Therapy visit Wellness MGT

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