
The Positive Side of Medicine

6 Foods That Help Prevent Alzheimer’s

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6 Foods That Help Prevent Alzheimer's

[Last Updated on March 1st 2014]

This horrible disease usually first appears as simple forgetfulness, but in time it can destroy speech, comprehension, and coordination, causing restlessness and dramatic mood swings.
Although that the chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease after you turn 80 are rather high, you can lower your risk by as much as 50% with the right diet.

6 Foods That Help Prevent Alzheimer's

1. Omega-3 fatty acids: you can find them mainly in seafood, walnuts, olive oil and flaxseeds, they have high levels of DHA, which are needed for normal brain development, and in addition they counter inflammation, which may contribute to protein build-up in the brain.


2. Foods rich in vitamins E and C: free radicals clean up the pollution in your brain, which can be fought with daily doses of vitamin C, which you can acquire from red peppers, currants, and broccoli, among others, and vitamin E, which is proved to lower Alzheimer’s risk.


3. Foods and beverages high in flavonoids, which are potent antioxidants, they are one of the toughest polyphenols in plants and were created by plants as an arsenal to protect themselves. You can find them mostly in apples, berries, grapefruits, asparagus, cabbage, garlic, kale, and others. They can lower your risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease and also lower the likelihood of developing dementia.


4. Curry powder: a prime ingredient in curry powder is turmeric, which contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-amyloid compound that can improve brain performance

5. Foods high in folate: a B vitamin that helps on the performance of some cognitive tasks, it also helps to keep homocysteine levels in check, you can find it in dark leafy and dried beans.

folate vitamin

6. Wine: drinking 2 glasses of wine per day reduces your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease by 75%.

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