Natural Cures for Lyme Disease

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Natural Cures for Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted by a tick that presents a peculiar skin rash just before developing arthritis symptoms.




You may experience flu-like symptoms that include a stiff neck, chills, fever, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, and joint pain.



Acupuncture: This appears to be a promising way to help reduce or eliminate pain brought on by Lyme disease.

Healing Plants: Samento, banderol, andrographis, Japanese knotweed/resveratrol, smilax, cat’s claw, and Stephania all target Lyme and related tick-borne infections.

Tea Time: Green tea and curcumin compounds are known to reduce oxidative stress and help aid in traditional antibiotic treatment.

Treat Deficiencies: Zinc, B, and D vitamin deficiencies could slow down Lyme recovery; improve your diet to bring your numbers up to healthy levels.

Probiotics: Organic yogurt, kefir, and even fermented vegetables are good sources of probiotics which helps replenish beneficial bacteria in the gut that are wipes out by antibiotics, especially for Lyme disease.

Exercise: Small concentrations of oxygen can help destroy Lyme bacteria in the body; intense exercise during and after treatment can help keep the disease at bay.

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