
The Positive Side of Medicine

Sugar Challenge Tips and Tricks

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Sugar Challenge Tips and Tricks

We are all set and excited to start this tomorrow I hope! Remember, if you don’t want to do this, it is okay, if you do want to, I am tickled pink to have you on board. Remember we are eliminating as much processed sugar and high fructose corn syrup as possible, we are not dwelling as much on those foods that naturally contain sugar, like fruit, added sugar that is extraneous, like juice for example, if you are going to drink juice make it 100% juice. No soda, no candy bars, you can do this! Okay on to the first set of tips:

  • Read your labels, corn syrup and sugar are added to breads, crackers, soups, ice cream, it is literally everywhere, read labels and look for those brands made without, I have found bagels and breads without extra sugar and corn syrup, Progresso soup is a good choice or make soup, no luck with graham crackers, if you find some let me know!
  • Eat less processed foods, especially fast food, you don’t really know what’s in there – when I look at the label if I can’t pronounce most of it or the ingredient list is 3 inches long it stays in the store
  • Go simple with coffee and tea, most of these are made with a high level of sugar also, make your own and control what goes in it, try stevia or honey if you need some sweet
  • Eat your fruit, don’t drink it… personally I prefer to eat my calories not drink them, if you must have juice make it 100% juice as simple as possible, for those of you who are juicers you are making it yourself, you know what’s in it, that’s fine
  • Make dessert an occasional treat, have fruit or one piece of decadent dark chocolate
  • When your sweet tooth gets out of control try a large serving of fruit, tea with honey, or even a jam like Pollaner All Fruit or Smuckers Simply Fruit on toast

Good luck to you, we are all in this together, at least one of our daily statuses will be a discussion thread so that we can connect on how it’s going and help each other with new tricks and love and support.

Source: http://www.shape.com/blogs/shape-your-life/5-tips-cut-your-sugar-intake

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