Winter is My Favorite
I love winter. It conjures up visions of hot chocolate by a fire, family celebrations, snowmobiling, sledding, skiing, making snowmen, pretty snowflakes covering the world with glitter. The cool crisp air, the blue and white landscape, snow covered trees, and icicles hanging from eaves. I know it also includes scarping the car, snowdrifts wherever I want to park, and freezing temperatures.
I choose not to dwell on the negative parts, I make jokes that I only love winter in theory, as long as I don’t have to leave my house, but I really do love it. I do not particularly enjoy being cold, in fact it wreaks havoc on my system, but when my kids were younger we went snowmobiling and sledding every weekend, we were joined by many friends, we had a huge bonfire, and roasted food in the fire and played all day, it was lovely.
Without winter we would be unable to enjoy the beauties of spring, or appreciate the heat of summer. The moisture is good for the air, our lakes, rivers, and streams, and of course, our oceans. The cold slumber is a natural break time for the growing season, and a chance for the soil to replenish itself.
Winter is a good and natural time to rest our bodies as well, it is meant to be a time to replenish the wells, to rest, to learn, to grow. It’s a good time to learn a new hobby, take up a new sport, and enjoy time with friends and family. I love making savory delicious homemade soup and baking bread, especially during a time when the extra heat is welcome in the kitchen.
I no longer have a fireplace since the move, but if you want to grab a mug of hot cocoa and have a chatter, I am right here. Love, peace, and hugs
Edited By: Ellie July 30th 2014