Day 3: Sweet and Dangerous
Sugar consumption in America is totally out of control. In 1997 Americans devoured 7.3 billion pounds of candy, spent 23.1 billion dollars on candy and
The Positive Side of Medicine
Sugar consumption in America is totally out of control. In 1997 Americans devoured 7.3 billion pounds of candy, spent 23.1 billion dollars on candy and
Time heals all wounds, but it’s also the hardest medicine to take.
Strawberries– Teeth whitener. Decreases appearance of dilated pores. Brown sugar– Excellent exfoliation for sensitive skin Lemons– Natural disinfectant, deodorizer and astringent; helpful in digestion, a
you only live once but that shouldn’t be an excuse for your faults in life.
“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked
Make Your House Smell Fresh With These 7 Natural Hacks Does your house have halitosis? Lingering odors can give a home bad breath. A 2004
The Positive Side of Medicine