A medical negligence solicitor is somebody who specialises in the legal matters surrounding medical negligence. Essentially, if you have received inadequate care from a medical professional – which has caused you physical, psychological or financial harm – then you should contact a medical negligence solicitor. They are experts in the field, so they are best equipped to support you when seeking compensation for medical malpractice. This is a notoriously arduous and anxiety-inducing process, after all. As such, you will want the very best players on your team. But what exactly should you look for when choosing a medical negligence solicitor? Are there specific qualities which make one law firm better than the other? We think so. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know.

The Right Accreditations
Before hiring a medical negligence solicitor, you are well advised to check that they have all the correct accreditations. You don’t want to hire somebody who isn’t properly qualified to deal with your case, after all. This is also helpful because it helps you to establish the difference between a personal injury lawyer and a medical negligence solicitor. If you hire the former, you will likely be wasting your money, as they aren’t specialists in medical malpractice. But what accreditations make a medical negligence solicitor different to the personal injury lawyer? Well, they should be certified by the Law Society’s Clinical Negligence Panel or the AvMA panel.
In-House Medical Professionals
What really makes a medical negligence solicitor stand out is having in-house medical professionals. As these professionals have worked in the medical field, they will have an insider’s knowledge of how practices and procedures should go. They will also have a better understanding of how your medical ailment will affect you in the future, making sure you get the full compensation to which you are entitled. Therefore, they are an excellent asset for assisting a case. Be sure to check out Gadsby Wicks Solicitors on their website (https://www.gadsbywicks.co.uk/medical-negligence/misdiagnosis-claims) as an example, as they have in-house medical professionals available for consultation.
Empathetic Towards Your Circumstances
There is no denying the fact that suffering an injury from medical negligence is horrible. We only go to the doctors to feel happier and healthier – and so, to have a medical professional inflict harm on you is both physically and mentally traumatising. Having to dredge up these emotions for a court battle can also be harrowing. A good medical negligence solicitor will recognise this. They will be empathetic towards your circumstances and try to make things as quick and easy for you as possible.
Honest About the Prospects
You should also look for a medical negligence solicitor who is completely transparent with you. They won’t make false promises or get your hopes up – they’ll be honest about how successful they think your claim will be or how much compensation you will receive. This is important because it keeps your expectations grounded. After being disappointed by a medical professional, this is exactly what you need.
We hope you have found this article helpful. Make sure to keep this information in mind when choosing your medical negligence solicitor.