
The Positive Side of Medicine

What is hyaluronic acid? Hyaluronic acid’s benefits in skincare

What is hyaluronic acid? Hyaluronic acid's benefits in skincare

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Hyaluronic acid (also called hyaluronan) is a carbohydrate molecule that the body naturally produces. Contrary to what its name implies, it is not an acid. It is a gel-like glycosaminoglycan compound that works as a lubricant for our joints and connective tissues. It can be found in its densest concentrations within the fluids around our joints, and in our eyes.

Glycosaminoglycan compounds can attract and hold water on the skin. Because of its ability to bind water to the skin so well, this moisture-dense molecule has many benefits within skin care. 

What is hyaluronic acid? Hyaluronic acid's benefits in skincare

Its Benefits in Skin Care:

1) Intensely Moisturizing:

Hyaluronic acid can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water. Because it is able to absorb and hold onto moisture like a sponge. The molecule is also large enough to remain on the surface of our skin. Making it exceptionally effective at providing long-lasting moisture.

2) Provides a Protective Barrier:

Dry skin is dangerous because it breaks open easily, creating opportunities for infection. Using hyaluronic acid creates an additional skin-protecting layer that helps prevent environmental toxins from entering your system. 

3) Anti-Aging:

The amount of hyaluronic acid in our body decreases as we age. Causing our skin to lose its ability to retain moisture. Consequently, our skin can dry out more quickly, begin to sag, and show fine lines and wrinkles. By applying this to our skin, it will be better moisturized and become more supple, diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. Click here to see the results of a scientific study that demonstrated its beneficial moisturizing and anti-aging effects. 

4) Protects Against Sun Damage:

Free radicals produced by the sun’s UV rays damage our skin. Thankfully, this moisturizing-molecule contains powerful antioxidants that fight the free radicals that produce wrinkles and sagging-skin.

5) Firms and Tones Skin:

Hydrating our skin plums it up, making it appear firm, toned, and less saggy. 

6) Promotes Healing:

It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help to promote the skin’s healing abilities. 

This mega-moisturizing molecule is clearly, very beneficial to our skin. Largely due to its unique ability to absorb and bind substantial amounts of water to the skin’s surface.

The hyaluronic acid that is found in many skincare products is manufactured in a laboratory, using bacteria, or is extracted from rooster combs. 

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