The Best Baby Teething Advice from Experts

The Best Baby Teething Advice from Experts

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The Best Baby Teething Advice from Experts The Best Baby Teething Advice from Experts. Baby teething causes tears and screams from even peaceful infants, and it can leave parents feeling helpless. I was fortunate enough to find solutions that helped me get through my daughter’s teething phase. Using teething rings, cold objects, hard foods, and other techniques, my daughter and I made it through the dreaded teething phase, and so can you!

What is teething?
Teething is the period in a baby’s life when teeth begin to break through the gums. Most babies get their first tooth by their first birthday. Some babies might even get their first tooth before they are six months old!

You might notice that your baby is more tearful than normal or seems to be having trouble sleeping. This might be a sign that he or she is in teething pain. They might also begin to drool excessively and be more reluctant to eat. If you notice any unusual symptoms in your baby, you should check with your doctor. Your doctor will be able to tell you if your baby is teething or facing a serious illness. Most babies who are teething will not have a high fever or diarrhea.

What can I do to relieve teething symptoms?
One of the most difficult experiences for any parent is to see a child in pain. If your baby is crying and miserable, it won’t take long for you to start feeling miserable! Luckily there are a few steps that you can take to help relieve baby teething pain.

  • Give your baby a cold teething ring. Cold objects can numb the pain. Do not give your baby anything to put in their mouth that might be a choking hazard. Do not give them ice or anything frozen.
  • Let your baby have a hard biscuit to chew. You can go to the store and buy specialized teething biscuits. These are specially made to relieve pain in the gums.
  • Rub your baby’s gums with a wet washcloth. The cool sensation of the cloth will help distract your baby from the pain.
  • Find something cool for your baby to eat. If your baby is old enough to take food, try giving them something cool and soft. This can help restore your baby’s appetite.
  • Make cold chamomile tea for your baby. Chamomile naturally relaxes and reduces pain. You can try making a weak tea and see if your baby has a positive response.
  • If you are breastfeeding, try consuming chamomile tea yourself. The baby will get the benefits of the tea through your milk.

A natural part of life
Though teething may be stressful, it is completely natural and unavoidable. With time, your child will move through the teething phase. Once you are dealing with a toddler, you may even find you miss your teething baby!

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