
The Positive Side of Medicine

10 Ways You Can Help If You Think A Loved One Is Suicidal

10 Ways You Can Help If You Think A Loved One Is Suicidal

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Suicide is a very uncomfortable topic, however, it’s one that needs to be discussed. If you suspect that someone you care about might be contemplating suicide, you need to intervene right away. These are 10 ways you can help if you think a loved one is suicidal. 

10 Ways You Can Help If You Think A Loved One Is Suicidal

1. Distract them

People who are suicidal often feel weighed down by their obsessive thoughts. To help them out, try to find ways to distract them. Take them out to do their favorite activity and see what kind of effect it has. 

2. Open up to them

Your loved one might feel afraid to be vulnerable around you. To show them that they don’t need to keep their thoughts to themselves, open up to them. Tell them about any personal concerns you’ve been experiencing. 

3. Ask them questions

You don’t want to ask anything too invasive right away, like “do you want to kill yourself?” Start by asking them how they’re feeling. Invite them to elaborate and don’t pressure them. They should start opening up to you without you asking. 

4. Avoid giving advice

Offering support to your loved one doesn’t mean you have to have a solution. Any advice you give might be from the heart, and come across as pandering. Only give advice if they ask for it. 

5. Make time for them

Depending on your schedule, you might have difficulty making time for your loved one. Loving companionship can make a huge difference. Carve out time in your day for regular bonding. 

6. Help them out

Stress can be a serious hazard to one’s health, thus mentally and physically. To help with their feelings, you should offer a helping hand whenever possible. If they’re feeling stressed about balancing work and family, offer to watch the children while they relax. 

7. Have fun with them

Your loved one might feel like the very concept of fun is completely unknowable to them during this period. You can’t force them to have fun, but you can try your best. Talk about silly topics or do something like fun going bowling and see if it helps. 

8. Be patient

There should not be any pressure on your loved one to get over this feeling. They want to get over it, but it’s not that easy. You need to be patient and offer them support every step of the way. 

9. Be there for them

There might be days when your loved one is doing generally decent. There might be days when they feel like everything is hopeless. Whatever occurs, you need to be there for them. If you can’t be physically present, you can be emotionally present by communicating over the phone. 

10. Listen to them

The best thing you can do you for your loved one is listening. They need to be able to express themselves. Whether this means crying, screaming, or just talking, they need an audience. You can support them by being the most attentive audience possible. 

Don’t ever let yourself feel like you’re overstepping your boundaries by trying to help a loved who is suicidal. They are going through an incredibly difficult time and need your support to help them get through it. By offering your help, you can show them how much hope is around them.

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