
The Positive Side of Medicine

Drinking Water Linked to Reduced Risk of Reoccurring Urinary Tract Infection

Drinking Water is Linked to Reduced Risk of Reoccurring Urinary Track Infection

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Being a woman has many perks and advantages, but it also has its drawbacks as well. Chances are you will experience the uncomfortable burning and painful sensations that accompany a urinary tract infection at some point in your life. Of the 50 percent of women who develop this painful condition, 70 percent will develop another Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) within a year of the initial infection.

While antibiotics are a standard course of treatment prescribed by doctors, the harmful effects of antibiotics on the digestive system are becoming more well known, and women are choosing to embrace alternative forms of treatment and prevention in order to maintain their urinary tract health. UTIs, when left unchecked, leave a person open to more severe infections that can spread to the bladder, kidney, and other systems in the body.

What Causes A Urinary Tract Infection?

A urinary tract infection is caused when bacteria is allowed to enter the urinary system via the urethra. Common causes of a urinary tract infection include not wiping front to back after peeing, not using the bathroom after sex, and not practicing sanitary habits before, during, and after your period. Women are more susceptible to urinary tract infections because their urethra is shorter, allowing bacteria to enter the urinary system more readily.

How To Naturally Prevent UTIs

There are several things that can be done to prevent infections before antibiotic intervention becomes necessary. These simple yet effective ways include:

1. Paying attention to your body’s signals

If you have to go to the bathroom, for heaven’s sake, go! Holding urine and feces in your system longer than necessary places you at risk for reabsorption of bacteria that live in both systems. When your body signals you to go, obey the command.

2. Visit the bathroom after sex

Believe it or not, your partner can place you at risk of developing a UTI as well. Bacteria present on genitalia can get pushed into the vagina, causing infection. Going to the bathroom after intercourse will help prevent infection by flushing out any bacteria that may be present in your system.

3. Ditch the feminine scented products.

Lotions, creams, and even douches with added chemicals and scent will disrupt the delicate pH balance that you are naturally accustomed to. Opt instead for more natural products that are free of dyes and scents; surely, your body will thank you.

4. Don’t be afraid to go commando once in a while.

Because this area of your body is prone to excess moisture and heat, it is a breeding ground for bacteria if it is not allowed to breathe once in a while. Wearing breathable cotton panties or even opting for no undies while sleeping will allow this area of your body to air out naturally.

5. Take the right supplements

Women everywhere sing the praises of cranberry juice and supplements, as the acid present in these products naturally kills off bacteria that may be present in your system. In addition, supplements such as D-mannose and Hibiscus extract have been shown to effectively stave off E. coli, which is one of the contributors to infection.

6. Drink plenty of water.

Drinking plenty of fresh, clean water naturally cleanses your whole system and dilutes your urine, which lowers your risk of developing an infection. Continuing to flush your system will aid in restoring the pH balance of your vaginal area that naturally fights off bacteria when it is in its normal, healthy state.

An Ounce Of Prevention

If you are experiencing painful urination, burning or stinging sensations, or back pain, it is likely that you are developing a urinary tract infection. Paying attention to your body’s signals and taking preventative measures to keep your urinary tract healthy and balanced will ensure that you contribute to your overall health and wellness. Cheers to your health!

Edited by: Jessa (Jan. 28, 2019)

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