What Causes Brown Discharge Before Your Period?

What Causes Brown Discharge Before Your Period

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Brown discharge before a period is usually a discharge from the vagina that has blood. Normally, vaginal discharge is thin and white or clear. When the discharge is brown, it is more likely to have small amounts of old blood. When the old blood takes longer to come out of the uterus it turns brown. It is typically harmless. However, it could be an indication of an underlying health condition.

What causes the brown discharge?

The brown discharge before the period can occur for various reasons such as the following stated below.

If You’re Not Pregnant

When one is not pregnant, the discharge may be caused by:

  • Old blood coming out of the uterus some days after the end of a period
  • A period when about to start, whereby the flow is light
  • Spotting of ovulation, which is pinkish-brown
  • Reaction to a vaginal exam or Pap smear test
  • Reaction to a vigorous sex

During Pregnancy

  • Brown or pink discharge or spotting before a period is an early sign of pregnancy.
  • This discharge is caused during the implantation process whereby bleeding occurs as the fertilized egg burrows into the lining of the uterus. The implantation can happen between 1 and 2 weeks after the egg has been fertilized.

Approaching Menopause

Brown discharge before a period can also be an indication of perimenopause, especially for the women in their 40s or 50s. This is the transition period just before menopause, when the periods are about to stop.

What are the most serious causes of the brown discharge?

There are other very serious causes of the brown discharge. They can happen at any age irrespective of whether the woman is pregnant. Such serious causes are:

Pelvic inflammatory disease

This is an infection of the uterus and cervix that can result to brown discharge.

Sexually transmitted diseases

For some sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, one may notice the brown discharge in the vagina.

Retained foreign body

If a foreign object is accidentally left in the vagina, brown discharge that is bad-smelling can occur. Such objects are condoms, tampons, and contraceptive rings.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

This is a condition of hormonal imbalance. It may bring about irregular, light bleeding.

Cervical cancer

Brown discharge is a symptom of cervical cancer, although it is extremely rare. The National Cancer Institute studies show that cervical cancer affects about 0.6 percent of women in their lifetime.

When To See a Doctor

Brown discharge is less commonly a cause of concern and does not require you to see your doctor. However, you should see your doctor if you get brown discharge that:

smells bad
goes on for a number of weeks
happens often after sex
is accompanied by itching in the vagina
is accompanied by cramping or pain

Sometimes, the brown discharge may be a sign of a very serious condition. When this is the case, there are other symptoms that accompany the brown discharge. If you experience these symptoms, you should see your doctor straight away.

Edited by: Jessa (March 13, 2019)

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