Alternatives for Partners Dealing with Adult ADHD

Alternatives for Partners Dealing with Adult ADHD

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Being the parent of a child with ADHD is challenging, although it does have its intrinsic rewards. However, those children grow up and go on to have friends, partners, relationships of their own, and careers.
While the life partners of those with ADHD face some of the same challenges as those of parents of children with ADHD, they face some additional and different challenges as well. It is helpful for them to have some of the same information and resources as parents do, so they can assist their partner with facing the challenges of adult ADHD.

Alternatives for Partners Dealing with Adult ADHD


A common treatment for ADHD in both adults and children is medication. A specialist can recommend the right recommendation and dosage, but unlike children, adults need to get into the routine of taking their medication as recommended as opposed to having someone administer it to them.

This can sometimes be a challenge, as the desire to take medication fades with age, and if the adult “feels good” they may be unwilling to do so. Keeping them on a good schedule, and using pill planners may be an essential part of consistency.

The other aspect may be financial: adults with ADHD often end up in careers that do not have great pay or benefits, at least at first, and so may be challenged to afford their medication. In that case, they may need help to find coupons for their medications, such as Vyvanse, that help with their condition.

Making sure they can both afford their medication and take it regularly is a vital part of assisting an adult with ADHD in dealing with their condition.

Career Choices

Being dependable, on time, focused, and having great attention to detail are all desirable qualities in employees, and all of them may be lacking in an adult dealing with ADHD. It follows then that career choices are very important to success and financial independence. This can be a challenging area, but not an Impossible one to overcome.

If possible, it is often best for a person with ADHD to start their own business, so they can focus on their strengths and delegate areas where they are weak, making work something that is manageable.

However, this is often not possible, or the person with ADHD lacks the necessary support. IN that case, choosing a job with flexible hours where work can be done quietly and without distraction, and one that is not too rigid in dress code or other aspects may be best.

Many bosses are understanding, and will partner those with ADHD with other employees to help keep them on track. Organization and scheduling are vital as well, and as long as the employer has structures in place to meet those needs, an adult with ADHD can be just as successful as their peers in many disciplines.

Therapy and Coaching

One key to success in dealing with ADHD is the right therapy and coaching, A therapist can help with behavior therapy and general counseling, This often helps with the depression and self-esteem issues that often go with adult ADHD.

In addition, behavior therapy can help patients deal with everyday situations in a more positive way. Through role-playing, appropriate responses to situations that might produce stress and even anger can be taught and practiced. The adult with ADHD can learn to change their thinking, take time to breathe rather than responding impulsively, and even interact with customers in frustrating circumstances without issue.

Therapy of all types can significantly influence the person with ADHD, and their overall mental well-being and feelings of success. A partner who encourages therapy, reminds the adult with ADHD to go, and even schedules appointments is a huge help.

Diet and Exercise

Even for those who do not have ADHD, working out and eating right on your own can be tough. For someone who struggles with focus and attention to detail the way those with ADHD do, it can be even more so.

This is where a supportive partner comes in. Changing your own diet and working out with your partner is perhaps the best help. In addition, simply encouraging good behavior like meditation and self-care will make the experience even better for the adult with ADHD.

As diet and exercise often play such a key role in the management of ADHD, knowing the right thing to do and following through will go a long way. An educated partner who joins in the efforts is often the best solution to developing good habits that stick.


In addition to traditional medication, there are often supplements that promote brain health and cognitive health which really aid ADHD sufferers as well. Sometimes these supplements serve more than one purpose.

A blend that contains the best vitamins for eyes may also contain elements that help with ADHD and focus. Using the right supplements matters, along with consulting your physician about what possible drug interactions might result.


Being the partner of an adult with ADHD does have its unique challenges, but helping your partner live a healthy and focused life despite their condition has its own rewards. Using the right medication and other techniques to support them, a good partner can make a world of difference.

If you or your partner deal with ADHD, what methods have been effective in treating your or their particular symptoms? Leave a comment in the section below.

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