Treating Diabetes With A Healthy Diet And Specialized Treatments

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Treating Diabetes With A Healthy Diet And Specialized Treatments

In 2010, approximately 215,000 Americans under the age of 20 were living with either Type I or Type II diabetes, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Diabetes is characterized by high blood glucose or sugar levels. Glucose comes from the foods you consume on a daily basis. The amount of glucose you get will depend on the types of foods you eat. Foods loaded with carbohydrates are highly known for increasing blood glucose levels more quickly than foods that contain protein and fats. Below, you will discover more information about treating diabetes with a healthy diet and specialized treatments.

Treating Diabetes With A Healthy Diet

Understanding The Causes Of Type 2 Diabetes

With all the reported cases and statistics revolving around type II diabetes it is imperative to understand what causes this terrible condition in order to avoid. Of course, there are some situations in which individuals might not be able to avoid developing the disease. In fact, you might be surprised to learn that there are several different things that can cause this condition to develop. While genetics and lifestyle are the most well know contributors, insulin resistance can also play a factor when it comes to developing type II diabetes.

Genetics – As mentioned above, genetics can be a contributor to type II diabetes. Of course, this doesn’t mean that if your mother and father have the condition you are 100% guaranteed to develop it as well. It just simply means that your chances of coming down with the disease are far greater. That being said, the medical community is still doing research to try and determine if the disease can actually be passed through gene mutations.

Lifestyle – Lifestyle choices are without a doubt one of the major contributing factors when it comes to type II diabetes. Even if you are at high risk of developing the disease as long as you are taking care of your body and doing what you need to there is a good chance that you can avoid developing the condition. Being overweight and inactive is going to greatly affect the way that your body uses insulin and make you much more vulnerable to the disease. Lack of exercise, unhealthy food choices, and obesity are all lifestyle choices that can put you at a much greater risk for developing the disease.

Poor Insulin Resistance- some individuals might be healthy and fit, but still develop type II diabetes. This has to do with what is known as insulin resistance. Your body may be producing insulin, but it is unable to use it properly.

Exploring The Complications Of Diabetes

It can take a lot of work, planning, and scheduling to get your type II diabetes under control. However, if you have developed the condition it is absolutely necessary that you get it under control, otherwise, the disease can lead to far more serious conditions. In fact, diabetes can play a major role in almost every organ in the body.

Blood Vessels And Heart Conditions

– You will notice that most individuals that have diabetes also suffer from the blood vessel and heart conditions as well. In fact, your chances of having a stroke and developing heart conditions are twice as high if you don’t have your diabetes under control. When your blood vessels get damaged it can lead to nerve damage in the limbs, which might eventually lead to the need for amputation in severe cases. Individuals that suffer from diabetes are 10 times more likely to have to undergo toe and foot amputation as compared to individuals that don’t have the disease.


– New studies have shown that diabetes is the leading cause of vision conditions in individuals that are 20 to 74 years old. Some of these conditions are glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy. In some severe situations, there have even been reported cases of individuals completely losing their vision.

Kidney Complications

– Kidney failure is a serious condition that can result is a wide variety of problems. Research and studies are showing that diabetes is the number one reason for kidney failure in the United States. The worst part about kidney failure is that the symptoms usually go unnoticed until the later stages when the feet and legs start swelling.

Gum Disease

– Newer studies are even showing that diabetes is a leading contributor when it comes to developing gum diseases as well.

Exercising With Type II Diabetes

Whether you want to prevent type II diabetes or if you have already developed the condition, exercising will be the key to getting your life back. Exercise in combination with diet and medication will not only help you get in shape, but it will control your blood sugar levels as well. Of course, if you have never exercised or worked out before the whole concept can be intimidating and terrifying. Not to worry, as you can always start out slow and work up. Below, you will learn some tips and tricks that will help you when it comes to exercising with type II diabetes.

Quick And Brief Workouts

– Some people have a hard time finding time to work out, and that is completely understandable. However, as long as you are working out 30 minutes a day, brief exercise sessions are completely acceptable. Even if you have to break up your routine into 10 minutes increments, as long as you are getting a total of 30 minutes a day you will be fine.

Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes

Early symptoms of Type I and Type II diabetes are typically related to high urine and blood glucose levels. The first symptoms to appear include hunger, dehydration, increased thirst, and urination. Other symptoms can include fatigue, vomiting, blurred vision, nausea, weight gain or loss and increased susceptibility to infections. Females are also highly likely to exhibit vaginal and yeast infections. Men can also present with yeast infections just like women.

Itchy skin, dry mouth, and slow-healing cuts, abrasions and wounds are also symptoms of diabetes. Anyone exhibiting these symptoms should seek advice from their physician, because they very well may be experiencing high blood or urine glucose levels.

Diabetes Diet

Diabetes is always treated with routine exercise, a healthy diet, and specialized treatments and medications. It is crucial for all diabetics to stick with this regimen because it is the only way to manage their condition. While it is crucial for people with diabetes to follow a diet plan created by a dietician or primary care physician, it is important to note that no single meal plan can serve as the perfect diet for every diabetic.

Most physicians will refer their patients with diabetes to a licensed dietician, who will work with them to ensure they only consume the right foods. The dietician will show you how to read the labels located on the food packages and explain the glycemic index. Some may even recommend the TLC diet plan or MyPlate method for determining healthy eating habits for diabetes management.

The exact time and types of meals on any single diabetic plan will depend on the individual’s gender and age, as well as your activity level. The amount of weight you need to lose or gain to obtain and maintain optimal weight will also be utilized to determine the diabetic meal plan.

Contrary to belief, many dieticians will recommend alcohol and table sugar, but only in moderations. Most dieticians are realistic, as they understand how difficult it is to create a diet plan for someone with a small or large family. In fact, they will create a diabetic meal plan that is suitable for the entire family, while paying close attention to the timing of snacks and meals and portion size.

If you have also been diagnosed with high cholesterol, you will need to incorporate high-fiber foods in your diabetic diet. These foods will not only improve your blood glucose levels but also improve your blood cholesterol levels. This is especially necessary for individuals who have been diagnosed with Types II diabetes.

The diabetic diet allows individuals to consume their favorite foods, but only in moderation. The plan should include a nutritional guide to help people with diabetes to consume nutritional, tasty and affordable foods.

Getting Adequate Sleep

The amount of sleep you get each night can impact your cravings and appetite. Optimal weight is crucial for diabetes management, which will be difficult if you exhibit increased cravings and appetite. Medical experts recommend between seven to eight hours each night. Individuals with sleep apnea should seek advice from their primary care physician. Treatment of this condition will help improve your sleep while lowering your blood glucose levels. A sufficient amount of sleep can be a surprisingly helpful type 2 diabetes treatment.

Treatments For Type 2 Diabetes

When suffering from type 2 diabetes, a lot of patients will mistakenly believe that they’re out of luck. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, there are numerous treatment options and most of them work exceptionally well. However, the patient should realize that it will be impossible to completely cure diabetes. Instead, the patient should take medication to offset the symptoms. By doing that, the patient will be able to live a fulfilling life, despite suffering from this terrible condition. Below, the consumer will learn more about some of the best type 2 diabetes medications and the most effective type 2 diabetes treatment.


Metformin is an oral medicine that is mostly used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults. This medication should be combined with a healthy diet and a strict exercise routine. The combination will give the user the ability to keep their blood sugar at safe levels. It is possible to use Metformin with others drugs, but it should never be used to combat type 1 diabetes. If the patient is required to get an X-ray or CT scan in the future, they may need to stop using their metformin for a brief period of time. While it is very rare, this medication can sometimes lead to lactic acidosis.

If the patient begins experiencing muscle pain, weakness, numbness or has trouble breathing, they should get in touch with a doctor immediately. Otherwise, Metformin is considered to be very safe for pretty much everyone. It is also a very effective type 2 diabetes treatment.


Januvia or sitagliptin is another oral medication that is used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Again, this medication is not suitable for patients dealing with type 1 diabetes. Januvia can be used safely with other diabetes medications if the doctor feels that it is necessary. If the patient is in a current state of diabetic ketoacidosis, they should not use Januvia. This specific medication is designed to control blood sugar levels by controlling the levels of insulin that the body will create after a meal. Before using Januvia, the patient should consult with their doctor. This medication may not be safe for those suffering from kidney disease, gallstones, pancreatitis, or heart problems.

Adults will generally be prescribed one hundred milligrams of Januvia on a daily basis. This should help them keep their blood sugar at safe levels. Some of the most popular diabetes medications can be found at Canadian Insulin.


Victoza or liraglutide is very similar to a specific type of hormone that is naturally produced inside of the body. The hormone is responsible for helping the body control insulin levels, blood sugar, and digestion. When combined with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, Victoza can be very helpful for patients that are currently suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus. This drug is also very helpful for reducing some of the most common risks associated with diabetes. For instance, it can help decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke. While Victoza can be combined with other diabetes medications, it should not be used for the treatment of type 1 diabetes.

Anyone suffering from stomach problems, liver disease, kidney disease or heart problems should consult with their doctor before using Victoza. Animal studies proved the Victoza could potentially lead to the development of thyroid tumors or cancer. However, it should be known that the risks are minimal. This specific medication is usually used once per day and it has proven time and again to be very effective for keeping type 2 diabetics safe!

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