8 Home Remedies For Post-Nasal Drip

8 Home Remedies For Post-Nasal Drip

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Normally, the glands found in your throat and nose secretes mucus to keep your nasal membranes moistened and fight off infections. Post-nasal drip strikes when there is an excessive production of mucus which runs down at the back of your throat. Some people experience the discharge that makes them cough, especially when they are lying on their back. Others experience an itchy or scratchy sensation at the back of their throat. Irritation from the mucus can trigger a hoarse voice or a sore throat.

8 Home Remedies For Post-Nasal Drip

Possible Causes of Post-Nasal Drip

There are many possible causes of post-nasal drip which include:

• A sinus bacterial infection
• Flu or the common cold due to viral infection
• Use of nasal sprays
• Head injury
• Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)
• Allergic reactions
• Hormonal changes
• Certain types of foods
• The use of certain medications, such as birth control pills and blood pressure medications
• Pregnancy
• Indoor dryness
• Irregular nasal spectrum due to structural abnormalities

If you regularly experience post-nasal drip, it is crucial to contact your healthcare provider to find out the possible causes and discuss remedies.

Despite the fact that some home remedies can help to curb nasal discharges, there are no comprehensive researches about the treatment of this conditions.

Symptoms of Post-Nasal Drip

Other than the sensation of a discharge dripping from the back of your nose and throat, the following symptoms may accompany post-nasal drip:

• Pain in the ear
• A cough that worsens at night when lying down
• A sore throat
• Swollen tonsils or other tissues in your throat

Home Remedies for Post-Nasal Drip

Stay Hydrated

If your mucus is thick, it can be uncomfortable and interfere with your breathing. Staying hydrated is among the best options for thinning your mucus and prevents blockages. This is also a great way to prevent sinus and ear infections. A great way to thin your mucus is ensuring that you are taking adequate amounts of fluids throughout the day.

Saline Nasal Mist

You can easily reduce nasal blockages by applying a saline nasal mist a couple of times every day. The mist helps to prevent blockages by thinning the mucus. Some precautions should be taken as it can potentially trigger uncontrolled sneezing after application.

Ginger Tea

There haven’t been comprehensive studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of ginger in treating post-nasal drip. However, it is suggested that the spicy root can be effective in relieving congestion which sometimes accompany post-nasal drip. Simply take a cup of warm ginger tea to soothe irritated or sore throat.

Gargling With Saline Water

Gargling with salty water is one of the easiest and cheapest home remedies for dealing with post-nasal drip. The saline water thins the mucus at the back of your throat which soothing at the same time. Simply mix a teaspoon of salt with a glass of lukewarm water and gargle a couple of times every day.

Related Link: The Hidden Connection Between Sinus Headaches And Your Constant Congestion

Steam Inhalation

This is another simple recommendable way to deal with post-nasal drip at the comfort of your home. Steam inhalation can effectively control the excessive production of mucus. It is also a simple DIY home remedy for decongesting your chest. Simply take a bowl with boiling water and place a towel over your head to deeply inhale the steam for at least 10 minutes. You can also add any type of natural essential oil. Repeat twice or thrice every day until you have fully recovered.

Nasal Irrigation

This is a good home remedy you should follow as it has the ability to inhibit excessive production of mucus. It also protects nasal passages against irritants and infections. Mix a ¼ teaspoon of salt with baking powder in a bowl of warm water. Squirt this solution into your nostril with your head tilted to one side. Blow out your nose to get rid of excessive mucus along with the solution. Perform this once a day for every nostril and gradually reduce to a couple of times per week.

Cayenne Pepper

Ranked among the top antihistamines with capsaicin compound, cayenne is considered beneficial in thinning out mucus. It also soothes throat irritation, which makes it and effective natural remedy for post-nasal drip. Simply mix equal proportions of cayenne pepper and honey (1/2 teaspoon each) and take twice or thrice daily for a couple of days.


Credit to its high content of vitamin C, lemon is another effective natural option for treating post-nasal drip. It not only loosens mucus, but also improves the resistance of your body against infections. Simply take the juice from ½ a lemon and pour it into some water. Add some honey to improve the taste and consume it early in the morning as well as a couple of times throughout the day.

The Bottom Line

Post-nasal drip is a common problem faced by many people that results to excessive production of mucus. Its symptoms can be uncomfortable and the condition can affect people of all age. Luckily, the above home remedies can help reduce the symptoms associated with this condition. Don’t hesitate to contact your doctor if the symptoms fails to improve or worsen.

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