4 Times Your Vulva Deserves to See a Doctor ASAP

4 Times Your Vulva Deserves to See a Doctor ASAP

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The vulva is comprised of the exterior part of the female genitalia. These external parts of the vulva are; inner lips which cover the opening of the vulva, the pubic hair covering the outer folds, and nerve-rich nub which is found on top of the vulva. It plays a fundamental role in protecting the sexual organs, vagina, urinary opening, and vestibule. It is the response epicenter of the sexual organs of a woman.

4 Times Your Vulva Deserves to See a Doctor ASAP

After childbirth, vulva has a self-repairing mechanism that goes on healing. Vulva is susceptible to infections by microorganisms like fungi –yeast, viruses, bacteria, and parasite like Trichomonas vaginalis. You should talk to your doctor in case you experience the following symptoms;

1. Irritation on the vulva
2. Pain during urination
3. Inflammation on vulva
4. Formation of blisters
5. Itching on the area around vulva

Women with these symptoms are recommended to visit the doctor for early screening, diagnosis, and treatment. The symptoms should be well noted and well explained to the doctor. Most women are not aware of what happens on the vulva since they do assume everything is fine unless there is an infection, that’s when they take action enhancing that it is in good condition.

Problems encountered by women on their vulva

Sweating – The sweat results in discomfort since the sweat is all around the area. The moist on the vulva enhance the growth of microbes resulting in infection. On the other hand, burning occurs; resulting in pain, even during walking, wearing inner wears becomes a problem. Scratching may be felt around the vulva, as a sign of the presence of the parasite. Self-healing is not recommended since the situation may worsen. The vulva should be presented to the doctor if there is;

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Presence of  different discharge

The discharge has a different color, odor, and consistency. These changes are good indications of infection. Self-diagnosis is hard since it easily results in abnormal discharge making the situation worse. Pelvic inflammatory which may result in infertility due to infection of sexually transmitted diseases which spread to the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tube if not treated early Different discharge occurs due to;

• yeast infection

The discharge of yeast infection is thick, clumpy and white in color. The discharge is odorless. The infection causes soreness on vulva, pain, and burning when urinating or having intercourse. It is advisable to see a doctor, especially when pregnant for vulva examination. The infection is treated by use of anti-fungal.

• Bacteria vaginosis

Causes formation of sores on the vulva and results to a smelling discharge.

• Trichomoniasis

Mostly causes changes on discharge – thin discharge and increased volumes, also results to cracking of external skin, burning and formation of sores. Result to a protozoan parasite which passes from infected person to the other when having intercourse.

Bleeding after intercourse

This is a common symptom of cervical cancer and vulva cancer to young women who haven’t reach menopause. Most women experience the bleeding after menopause, the blood is from; cervix, uterus, or urethra and which result to inflammation on the tissue of the vulva leading to bleeding, giving a guarantee to visit a doctor. Vaginal dryness can result in bleeding do to;

• breastfeeding
• ovary removed
• certain medication
• chemicals in feminine hygiene products
• douching
• improper preparation when having intercourse
• exposed to high x-ray during radiation therapy and taking drugs


Dr Schantz –Dunn recommended on maintaining good vulva hygiene by wearing panty liners for a short time. The skin of the vulva is delicate thus easily infected by microbes. The irritation goes hand in hand with;

• Skin cracking
• Whitening of the skin
• The discharge which is painful if it come in contact with cracked or skin with sores

This irritation is caused by; sweating, microbes infection, tight clothing and allergy from different substances. Scratching should be avoided since it makes the situation worse.Irritation isdiagnosed through; Blood test, Urine test, Vulva swab test or vulva biopsyTreatment is by;

• Application of cream
• Bathing in bio-carbonate of soda
• A regular wash of vulva with clean water
• Wearing cotton underwear
• leaning forward when passing urine
• loose panties prevent irritation by enhancing air circulation and avoiding suffocation
• Use of natural lubricants.


Women who are post –menopausal are prone to itch due to drop of oestrogen, thus the mucus of the lining of the vulva is reduced and the vulva can easily be infected by sexual transmitted diseases. Treatment is done through;

• Regular check-up of STIs – done after every two years by use of the Pap smear.
• Insertion of ultra-low-dose estrogen rings has a very low risk.


Regular screening, early diagnosis, and treatment improve the health of the vulva and prevent infection by microbes. Self-healing may worsen the situation.

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