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Eye Floaters and Their Causes

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How to Make Your Life More Fun

Can you remember the last time you had fun, leaving all your responsibilities aside? If you don’t remember, you probably need to bring some fun


5 Benefits of Beards

Have you been thinking about taking a break from your razor? It might be a really good idea, it not only speed ups your morning

all positive experiences

Fun Creative Ways to Work off Christmas Dinner!

I love this so much I had to share! Always good to mix up the workout routine, and try new things, enjoy! Source: http://nutribulletblog.com/creative-ways-to-work-off-your-christmas-dinner/

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Best Day to Fill Up

Weekends or weekdays? Which day is the best to fill up your tank? Interestingly, the answer depends on the state of your local gas pump!

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