With eight hours as the recommended sleep time, you spend roughly a third of your life in bed. Maybe it’s even more than that; the increasing popularity of mobile devices like tablets and smartphones has enabled people to stay in bed much longer. Watching movies, reading the news, looking up information, shopping for stuff, replying to emails, working from home — all these can now be done from the comfort of your own home, specifically in your bed.

Given the amount of time you spend in bed not just for sleeping but for other activities as well, it only makes perfect sense to invest in a high-quality mattress. But with so many types of mattresses to choose from, which one makes the best investment?
The right mattress for your health
Back when you were still quite young, you could get away with sleeping on just about anywhere, including hard, flat surfaces as long as you had a blanket or sleeping bag. But now that you’re older, you can’t do that anymore. You have to think about your back and joints because the pain in those parts tends to increase with age. Even if you’re not experiencing body pain yet, you must consider the possibility that you’ll have it in the future especially if it runs in your family. And if you’re already experiencing it, then there’s no excuse to go for a cheap mattress that doesn’t offer enough support.
So that leaves only one clear choice: the therapeutic mattress. As the name suggests, the therapeutic mattress is designed for people who need extra care. It was first meant to be used at hospitals, but it became available for commercial use after its advantages became widespread knowledge.
Benefits of the therapeutic mattress
But what exactly makes the therapeutic mattress stand out?
• It aligns your spine by offering substantial support no other kind of mattress can, so you can sleep with proper posture.
• It distributes your weight evenly, thus relieving pressure from the heavier parts of your body, like your joints.
• It adjusts to your body temperature, so it won’t feel too hot or too cold — just right.
• It’s sanitized to remove dust mites, harmful microorganisms, and unpleasant odors.
• It doesn’t form a cavity regardless of your weight, as it adapts to your shape and creates a mold that cradles you.
• It combines comfort and support, and not just comfort which is typical of conventional mattresses.
• It’s made of high-grade materials to ensure it can deliver what’s expected of it.
Buying your own therapeutic mattress
Now that you know what good the therapeutic mattress can do for you, it’s time for the next step: how to buy one.
When it comes to mattress shopping — whether therapeutic or otherwise — the ideal thing to do is to test different mattresses until you find one that best suits your needs.
Of course, you can look up information on various options online and create a shortlist beforehand to match your criteria for budget, brand, warranty, firmness, features, and reviews. But after gathering the data you need, head to a physical store and try out several therapeutic mattresses within your criteria.
Floor models are meant to be tested, so lie on them anywhere from a couple of minutes to a quarter of an hour. Don’t heed the labels — they’re just marketing buzzwords. Pay attention to how the different samples make you feel instead. Choose carefully because you’ll be sleeping on your purchase for the next several years!
Some stores offer a free trial run so if that’s available, go for it. A couple of nights or so on a therapeutic mattress will be enough to tell you whether or not it’s going to be a good buy.
Lastly, don’t forget to check the warranty. Don’t settle for less than a 10-year warranty if it’s available. Your therapeutic should last that long at least, so any problems before that should be addressed by the manufacturer.
Shopping for the perfect therapeutic mattress doesn’t have to be stressful. It can be a fun adventure, especially if you venture into it with all the knowledge you need. Happy mattress hunting!