5 Kinds of Vaginal Bumps Every Woman Should Know About

5 Kinds of Vaginal Bumps Every Woman Should Know About

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To be honest, the vagina requires upkeep more than anybody organ. Surprisingly, some of the efforts we put to make it well such as shaving, cleaning and waxing with perfumed powders and soaps only worsens it and causes awful itch, rashes, and Vaginal Bumps.

Have you ever wondered whether the bumps of your vagina are healthy, you are not alone. Vaginal bumps are very common, particularly during the years of child-bearing or when you are advancing in age. The good news is that, when you notice these symptoms occurring where don’t expect them, there is no need to worry as suggested by Sherry Ross.

5 Kinds of Vaginal Bumps Every Woman Should Know About

You should be vigilant to note the changes to your skin around this area and seek early medical attention. Here are 5 kinds of vaginal bumps that every woman should know about.

A tender bump near the opening of the vagina

It is also commonly known as Bartholin’s cyst. This condition appears when the glands on both sides of the opening of the vagina get blocked, this makes the fluid that they secrete to go back inside the glands. According to Kameelah Philips, this condition is characterized by a tiny bump at the opening of the vagina. It is painful and tender to the touch, but when treated it is totally harmless.

A warm compress with a tub soaked in warm water can manage the bumps when given time to heal. If you experience much pain and find difficulties when urinating and walking, it is advisable you see your doc as it may require your cyst to be drained.

Pimples that are flesh-colored

They are tiny, harmless bumps that appear when the sweat ducts get blocked. Besides occurring on your vagina, they can also appear on your face around the eyes, chest, underarms, and belly. This condition is characterized by flesh-colored pimples that are benign and they not tender to touch.

Sometimes, they can grow bigger than you expect, but avoid popping or removing them. Since this can cause harm to skin that surrounds them. You should give them time to heal or have your doctor remove them.

Vaginal Boils

These are blisters that are filled with pus. They are often caused by the method of grooming such as waxing or shaving. The boils around the vagina can be caused by a leaden razor. The tools you use in your body should be cleaned since the bathroom can harbor bacteria. Therefore, ensure you regularly change your razor. In addition, before shaving make a protection of the vaginal skin with a soapy coating.

Ross says that you should not pop or squeeze a boil yourself. This worsens its condition and spreads the infection. To relieve the discomfort, use a warm compress and wear loose underwear, and give it time to heal. If it persists, talk to your doctor and if necessary he may drain the infection.

Related Link: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Pubic Hair

Ingrown hair

This is hair that does not disappear post-groom. When you groom, shave or wax the areas around your vagina, most likely you might find an ingrown hair. The hair bumps occur when there is curling back of cut pubic hair beneath the surface of the skin. It continues to grow to cause inflammation or a bump. There are common irritants that aggravate this condition such as detergents, fragrant soaps, bath salts warming gels, condoms among others.

Undoubtedly, there are innumerable feminine rituals that can aggravate the areas around the vagina. But, it should not stop you from grooming habits. When using a razor, ensure the skin is clean before and after you cut the hair. Lastly, you can loofah the skin to avert the ingrown hairs and acne in the process of re-growth.

A benign mole

According to Phillips cancer of the vagina of any kind is very rare to find. Therefore, when you notice mole-like marks on the lady parts, it is perhaps not harmful. It mostly appears as light or dark patches on the skin. The can also appear as raised moles like those on the other parts of the body.

They are normally discovered during sex by a partner when shaving or taking a shower or during pelvic examination by your doctor. It is better safe than sorry—if you are worried do not hesitate to talk to your doctor. Especially, when the spot is itchy, multi-colored, or growing in size, have it examined. This helps you to know what is going on and you get peace of mind.


It is not likely that bumps on your vagina can worry you. Most of them can disappear on their own or managed at home or treated. When having sexually transmitted infections, it can only be managed with treatment. It is important you undergo treatment early to minimize the chances of complications.

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