Health Consequences Of Anabolic Steroid Abuse

Health Consequences Of Anabolic Steroid Abuse

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Often, people’s thought processes are filled with “What’s the best steroid to take?”, “How can I get massive fast?” or “Where’s the best place to buy steroids when it comes to anabolic compounds, but barely anyone thinks about the safety aspects.

Typically, any would-be user spends hours and hours trying to find the most appropriate, highest strength compound to suit their needs with little concern for any other element of taking anabolic agents in general.

Health Consequences Of Anabolic Steroid Abuse

One of the major problems with using these compounds doesn’t actually lie with the items themselves, but instead the “bigger, stronger faster and harder” culture that surrounds their use.

There are infinite resources online to help guide any novice or even experienced user towards safe usage, yet locker room talk often prevails and users simply decide to ignore rationality in the face of trying to create the swift “evolution” of their physique.

What’s actually going to happen if you simply decide to take “whatever” your friend tells you to in “any” dose you choose though?

Let’s take a look…

The Very Real Effects Of Steroid Abuse

Basically, how badly you’re going to be affected depends on several factors including but not limited to:

• Your individual genetics
• How much experience you have with anabolic substances in general
• How much of a substance you have taken
• How much (if any) cycle support has been used
• How long you have been using the substance for and in what capacity

At the simple end of the scale, those taking orals without liver support stand to induce toxicity within the liver itself and should this continue unchecked, you could face severe, if not fatal internal issues.

Then you have other side effects like raised negative cholesterol levels – initially, you could face discomfort such as dizziness, nausea and general fatigue when suffering from this adverse element but in a severe scenario cardiac arrest and strokes may manifest.

A “deceleration” of natural testosterone production is likely when taking androgenic compounds and if this goes untreated, you’re going to suffer from everything from a lack of growth hormone release to a severely reduced sex drive.

Many people associate “roid” abuse with violent mood swings  and a lack of emotional control in general, but interestingly – these negative elements probably have more to do with the individual temperament of the user in question as opposed to the compound being taken.

Make no mistake, these agents certainly alter your hormone levels, but ultimately, how the user reacts to these hormonal differences depends on their emotional stability.

What it’s incredibly important to note at this point in time is that EVERY anabolic agent carries with it negative elements, there are no exceptions to this rule and there’s certainly no such thing as an entirely “safe” steroid.

The same thing can be said for over the counter pharmaceuticals too though – anyone using them has to assume there is a risk associated with them. Anything you take of an external fashion can and may lead to unwanted issues arising – this trait is in no way exclusive to steroids.

What is a dead cert though, is that if you take ANY pharmaceutical grade compound according to the EXACT dosage guidelines whilst supplementing with any and every item you are advised to to ensure your safety, then your chances of having a risk free time are without doubt going to be very high.

Simply put – if you just do as you are told and ignore the “broscience” like advice your friends are likely to give you, you’re more than likely going to be absolutely fine.

Keep the above elements in mind at all times and instead of just thinking about where you can find peptides for sale (for example), consider how you’re actually supposed to take them too.

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