The Best Alternative for Viagra to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

The Best Alternative for Viagra to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

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Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy for ED is a safer and more effective treatment for erectile dysfunction than oral ED medications!

ESWT – a Drug-free, Non-Invasive Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

According to current statistics, ED or erectile dysfunction is a very common problem. 1 in 4 men over 35 have issues with ED, and more than 50% of men over 55 have reported some level of ED. Despite the availability of Viagra and many other oral ED medications, a lot of men would prefer a drug-free treatment for ED.

The Best Alternative for Viagra to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Some of these men cannot take oral ED drugs because they are taking meds for heart disease. Others have been “let down,” by their results with Viagra, and still, others do not want the hassles, or the costs related to ED prescription drugs.

For all of these men, and anyone seeking an alternative ED treatment, shockwave treatment for ED may be the answer. Shockwave therapy, also known as Electro-Shock therapy, or extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), uses shockwaves, or “pulsed wave energy,” to improve blood flow and reverse the damage that can lead to ED.

How Can Shockwaves Help Men With ED?

The technical term for this type of treatment is “extracorporeal shock wave therapy,” or Electro Shock Wave Treatment (ESWT) for ED.

The latest in shockwave therapy for ED is called the GAINSWave™. But, no matter what you call it, basically the technique uses shockwaves to improve blood flow to your penis, and therefore, it is an ideal treatment for “vasculogenic” erectile dysfunction. Vasculogenic ED is ED that is primarily caused by the breakdown of the vessels that supply blood to the penis.


In extracorporeal shock wave therapy for ED, the pulsating waves open up blood vessels in the penis that tend to break down as you age. ESWT also stimulates the growth of new blood vessels. The increased blood flow results in longer, stronger and more sustainable erections.

In addition, low-intensity shock wave therapy for ED has been shown to stimulate the release of specific “growth factors” within the penis. These growth factors also lead to “neovascularization,” or the growth of new blood vessels throughout the penis and erectile tissue.

How Effective is ESWT for ED?

In clinical trials, shockwave treatment for ED proved to be effective, even for men that did not respond well to other treatments. A recent study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that all of the men treated with ESWT therapy showed some improvement in erectile dysfunction. 30% of the men in the study, who were using oral ED medication, achieved significant improvement and did not need to use medication for months after the shockwave treatment.

How Good are the Results from ESWT ED Therapy?

As with any medical procedure, your individual results with ESWT will vary, but we have seen many men achieve significant results with a single shockwave for ED treatment.


Depending on your age, medical history, and extent of your ED, we may combine extracorporeal shockwave therapy with other ED treatments, such as the P-shot, to maximize the effectiveness of your treatment.
Keep in mind that as opposed to oral ED medications, and other more invasive erectile dysfunction cures,

ESWT Therapy for ED:

Is drug-free and surgery-free
Is completely non-invasive, and has little or no known side effects
Is a simple in-office procedure, with each treatment taking only 15 minutes
Provides long-lasting results with little or no downtime
May improve penis size in addition to relieving erectile dysfunction

How Much Does Shockwave Therapy for ED Cost?

Rather than worrying about the cost of shockwave therapy for ED, you should think about the “cost-effectiveness” of ESWT. The results of electroshock therapy for ED can last for 2 years or more, and there are no expensive prescriptions to refill!

Our shockwave therapy machine can give your love life the bedroom boost it needs!
If you have ED, and have been disappointed with Viagra or other drugs. If you suffer from a condition such as heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure which means you cannot take most oral ED medications. Or, if you are just looking for a drug-free, safe and effective alternative treatment for ED, GAINSWave™ may be what you’ve been searching for.

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