Essay: My Food Habits Help Me Stay Healthy

Essay My Food Habits Help Me Stay Healthy

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Research has long shown that choosing a health-conscious diet is beneficial to the body. It is advised that we eat foods from the five food groups: vegetables, fruit, dairy, grains, and proteins. However, we are frequently inundated by fad diets that seek to alter the proper balance. Therefore, I would like to share the food habits that help me stay healthy.

Although junk food can be quite tempting, and fast food often serves a purpose, these are poor food choices. In fact, they are major contributors to obesity and type II diabetes. People are at a disadvantage because their lives are often so rushed that they feel there is no time to make proper meals. However, there are ways to better plan so that you can incorporate healthier food into your daily intake. I will share that here as well.

Essay My Food Habits Help Me Stay Healthy

Fruits and Vegetables

We need to address fruits and vegetables at the beginning because they are probably the first to go when it comes to eating on the run. Fast food establishments rarely offer the rainbow of fruits and veggies for your enjoyment. In fact, the food you purchase at their restaurants (a term I will use loosely) is usually very high in carbohydrates.

Do not misunderstand, I am not suggesting that carbohydrates are unacceptable. I am, however, reminding you that a balanced diet, one deemed healthy, will be just that: balanced. You cannot overload on one group in the food pyramid. So, you will need to start eating more fruits and veggies if you hope to alter your diet into a healthier one.

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And, do not forget the value of fruits and vegetables. That food pyramid we referenced earlier recommends that you get 9 servings of fruits and vegetables. If you try to cover half your dinner plate with vegetables you will make a great step towards improved health. This is because fruits and vegetables have been proven to provide protection against cancer and heart disease.

Eat Natural and Limit Liquid Calories

If you are like most people, a large portion of your daily caloric intake can be found in the things you drink. You might have a proclivity toward sweet tea or soda. These things are eating up your calorie allowances and adding far too much sugar to your diet. Sugar is fine in moderation, but when you indulge in extra sugary drinks throughout the day, you are causing damage to your teeth and potentially increasing your probability of developing diabetes.

Get rid of the liquid calories. And, eat natural! Try to rid yourself off processed foods. When you are able to get rid of the Twinkies and Spam, you will also stop ingesting detrimental manmade chemicals. The more natural and organic things you utilize in your diet, the less toxic pesticides you will poison yourself with. And, there is research that shows organic foods have increased percentages of antioxidants and nutrients.

If you want to have consistent access to these types of foods, you can grow your own. There are a number of options for urban vegetable gardening. Or, there are farmers who create collectives that will allow you to pay a set fee for the month and then you can receive baskets of fresh-from-the-farm fruits and vegetables. Sometimes the farmers even have delivery services.

Think Superfoods

In a world where most people are thinking about supersizing when it comes to eating, it is in your best interest to start considering the superfood options. These foods are high in essential nutrients and minerals and can make a tremendous difference in your pursuit of a healthier diet. While these foods are phenomenal by themselves, there is strength in numbers, so consider pairing them when you add them to your menu.

READ ALSO: 10 Superfoods That Can Help You To Fight Your Stress

Superfoods include blueberries, salmon, avocado, broccoli, walnuts and yes, even dark chocolate. Some would even say that guacamole is the perfect food. If that puts a smile on your face do not hesitate to indulge in its goodness. In fact, guacamole is slam full of lycopene which helps fight cancer and beta-carotene which contributes to a healthier immune system. I really enjoy my guacamole.

Be a Smart Snacker

Listen, we all have those moments when we just want to eat something. The important thing is making sure that we choose the right substances to snack on. As much as you might want to eat those goldfish or little caramel squares, you should come prepared to snack. This means creating little snacking sacks or containers.

Consider going everywhere with a granola bar or a piece of fruit. You can also pack little Ziplocs with an ounce of nuts. You do not want to overdo the nut intake because they are pretty high in calories. Maybe you would be better served by a reduced fat version of string cheese. Whatever snack you pack, make sure you are aware of its caloric value so you don’t overindulge.

Other Suggestions

I have long been on a journey to eat healthier so that I can maintain a healthy lifestyle and physique. These are some of the other things I have utilized in maintaining my physical well-being. Consider utilizing some of these suggestions to make a difference in your own health:

Use Healthy Alternatives

It is easy to recognize that your diet needs to change, but more important is the fact that you have to be certain to choose healthy alternatives. Switch fried chicken for grilled fish to replace trans-fats with healthier versions.


I cannot tell you how big a difference this can make in your life. You are probably walking around dehydrated thinking that you are hungry when you are really thirsty instead. So, drink lots of water.

Read Labels

It may sound boring, but if you want to eat less processed foods and decrease your intake of refined sugar, reading the labels is an important step. This way you will know what you are putting in your mouth.

With these suggestions you can change your life and your health!
Author: James D., Essay service –

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