Things You Should Never Do to Her Breasts During Lovemaking

Things You Should Never Do to Her Breasts During Lovemaking

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Men are drawn to breasts from birth until death. Still, that doesn’t mean every man knows what to do with them. There are, however, a few things that online sources agree upon when it comes to fondling breasts. First, unless otherwise requested, be gentle with breasts. Secondly, appreciate every inch of her breasts. Don’t just focus on the nipples, or the areolae or the undersides. Here to help you show appreciation is a list of things you should never do to her breasts during lovemaking:

Things You Should Never Do to Her Breasts During Lovemaking

1. Do Not Pinch Her Breasts During Lovemaking

Pinching pundits agree that a little pinch might be okay. Some women might even like it. However, if you pinch the slightest bit too hard, or too often or repeatedly in the same place, that will be counterproductive to your lovemaking, to say the least.

2. Never Just Bite Her Breasts During Lovemaking

Okay, some women like it rough. As a rule, however, you need to start out by treating her breasts gently. If she falls asleep or tells you to bite them then proceed with caution. Remember, whether she likes it or not, your teeth can severely damage the soft tissue.

RELATED ARTICLE: 5 Things You Should NEVER Do to Your Breasts

3. Do Not Strike Her Breasts During Lovemaking

It doesn’t matter what kinky games you may be playing, never really hit or strike a woman’s breasts. They are much like a man’s gonads. Striking them a direct blow can cause intense pain. (In fact, if you are playing an S&M game only ever slap or spank with loose fingers so as not to cause real pain.)

4. Never Twist Or Rotate Her Breasts During Lovemaking

Experts agree that twisting or rotating a woman’s breasts like you were trying to wring out of wet clothing is not a good thing. Don’t handle a woman’s breasts and/or nipples as if you were trying to tune in a radio station either. Breasts have some flexibility, but their elasticity has a limit that, once breached, will cause intense pain.

5. Do Not Mash Her Breasts During Lovemaking

Unless you are a physician giving a breast exam don’t handle a woman’s breasts like you’re checking for cancerous lumps. It’s fine to need a woman’s breasts but don’t knead them. You’re not a baker making bread.

RELATED ARTICLE: Use These 2 Ingredients Remedies To Get Perfect Perky Breasts Without Surgery
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6. Never Pull On Her Breasts During Lovemaking

No matter what $ex games you are playing, do not actually pull on a woman’s breasts. They are not handrails. Pulling on a woman’s breasts is another action that will cause her pain. Even if you meet a real freak in bed, you still need to be cautious.

7. Do Not Juggle Her Breasts During Lovemaking

If you want to be a juggler, go join a circus. Don’t try it with her breasts. They can, at times, become tender. Handle them with care. Breasts hold a lot of pleasures and jiggling them is not a way to unleash those pleasures.

8. Never Lick Her Breasts Like A Child Licks His Plate After A Sweet Treat

No woman would object to feeling your tongue on her nipples or anywhere else on her breasts. However, have a bit of class and dignity about it. Don’t lick her beasts like you’re a dog trying to lick the last bit of gravy out of your food bowl.

9. Do Not Focus On Just The Nipples

Her breasts are not targets. Don’t just go for the bullseye. Licking, kissing, touching, sucking and maybe even very gently pinching the nipples can do wonders. This does not mean that you should ignore the rest of her breasts.

10. Never Ignore Her Breasts During Lovemaking

Sometimes just the thought of impending lovemaking make some men rush. Sources note that “the first rule of $ex” is that a man must always somehow involve the woman’s breasts in the lovemaking. Unless there is some specific, medically confirmed reason not to do so, always involve her breasts in your lovemaking sessions.

There you have it. Online research involving multiple pleasure pundits have spoken. Now you know the things you should never do to her breasts during lovemaking.


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