7 Things Your Poor Balance Warns You About

7 Things Your Poor Balance Warns You About

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7 Things Your Poor Balance Warns You About

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Physical signs are our bodies’ ways of indicating that something may not be quite right. When there is an upset in the typical functioning of the body, it reacts in such a way to indicate that something isn’t quite right. One of these physical signs that may be an indicator of underlying health concerns is a poor balance. There are a number of conditions that are related to balance, so it’s important to know what to look for and to consult your doctor should you suspect an issue.

1. Inner Ear Problems

Conditions of the inner ear are the most likely culprits that lead to poor balance. Any issue that involves the inner ear, ranging from a slight infection to major hearing loss, makes an individual feel unstable. This is primarily because the body parts responsible for maintaining your balance are located in the ear. There are five hair-like sensors that monitor and track rotation and movement in the inner ear. If these sensors receive jumbled signals or are unable to send clear indicators to the brain, your balance is thrown off.

Vertigo is one of the most common issues doctors see with inner ear conditions, which arises when tiny crystals within the ear disrupt the transmission from those sensors. In any case, if you experience dizziness or imbalance on and off for over a week, you should consult your doctor.

2. Muscle Weakness

As individuals age, we all lose muscle mass. If your balance is off it may be due to weakened muscles in one part of the body or another. Poor posture, poor alignment, and even falls can be a result of imbalanced muscle tone.

In most cases, this issue can effectively remedy with regular exercise, include balance-building moves as well as strength training. Simply standing on one foot for as long as possible and then switching to the other foot is a particularly effective exercise that requires no special equipment.

3. Medication Imbalance

Dizziness and/or balance loss are common side effects with several medications. So if you’ve explored other causes for your poor balance and come up short, then you may want to check your medication. Some medications may interact with one another if taken in combination with each other, so it is also important to discuss your other medications with your doctor.

If your dizziness began after taking a certain medication, speak with your doctor. Antidepressants, anxiety medications, allergy pills, blood pressure medicines, pain relievers, ​and sleeping pills are known to have an effect on balance.

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4. Blood Flow Issues

Irregular blood flow to the brain is another surprisingly common cause of balance issues. The condition is typically tied to low blood pressure concerns and occurs when you stand up after a period spent sitting or lying down. Upon standing, you might feel dizzy or overall unbalanced.

If you feel lightheaded upon standing, make sure you are drinking plenty of water, as the condition may also be linked to dehydration, and stand up slowly when rising. If the symptoms continue, however, speak to your physician, as he or she may want to assess your blood pressure.

5. Nerve Damage

Although less likely, nerve damage may also be a cause of your imbalance. If there is a disruption in the transmission of signals sent from or received on either side of the body, balance issues are often a result. It may cause issues with coordination and frequent falls.

Balance isn’t the only indicator of nerve problems. If this is the cause, you would also likely experience some additional signs or symptoms, such as sharp pain or burning in your hands and feet, sensitivity to touch, excessive sweating, digestive issues, dizziness, and muscle weakness.

6. Multiple Sclerosis

Again, this condition is less likely than the other potential causes of the imbalance; however, Multiple Sclerosis or MS causes damage to the central nervous system, which impacts the brain, spinal cord, and vision nerves. Depending on how the condition affects your system, you may experience loss of balance as an early sign of the condition.

7. Brain Tumor

While balance issues are much, much more likely related to muscle weakness or inner ear issues, if you are consistently having trouble with your balance, a tumor could be a possibility. A tumor situated in​ the area of the brain that controls movement and coordination can impact balance. This type of growth puts pressure on the nerves that coordinate movement and balance and can cause concern.

If a tumor is a cause, it is likely that you’ll also experience headaches in conjunction with imbalance. In any case, it is important to consult your doctor.

Depending on the cause, an issue with balance may stem from a minor annoyance to a major health concern. It is important to know the common causes and to seek the advice of your doctor to identify more aggressive conditions at an early stage.

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