5 Reasons Why Women Over 40 are Going for Breast Implants

5 Reasons Why Women Over 40 are Going for Breast Implants

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Gone are the days when breast implants were only popular with women aged 20 and 30. Nowadays, women over 40 have also joined the trend. For women in their 20’s and 30’s, it’s all about body image, self-esteem, and sexual attractiveness. For women over the age of 40, it’s more about getting their natural perkiness and fullness back after childbearing and breastfeeding.

However, even with the desire to get their youthful fullness back, body image, self-esteem, and sexual attraction are major factors in their decision to go under the knife.

Let’s discuss at some of the common reasons why women over 40 decide to have breast implants.

Childbearing and Breastfeeding are to Blame

Women over 40 are typically either in the middle or end of their childbearing years. Breastfeeding combined with hormonal imbalance throughout this period affects the shape, size, firmness, and fullness of their breasts. In this case, reduction in size, firmness, and shape distortion are experienced. The breasts become noticeably saggy- and no woman likes saggy breasts.

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Even with regular exercises targeting the breasts and healthy diet, regaining their full breasts practically becomes impossible. So, what another way to achieve bigger, fuller, and firmer breasts than with breast implants?

Body Image – It’s all about Confidence and Self-Esteem

Truth be told. Years of childbearing, breastfeeding, and care takes a toll on a woman’s body. By the age of 40, a woman’s body shape will have gone south, thanks to the fat deposits under the arms, abdomen, hips, thighs, and the breasts as well.

Along with the many liposuction options available, a woman can have breast implants to regain her overall body shape and attain a fuller look on her breasts. Actually, many women who undergo the procedure confess that implants make them feel much better about themselves. Similar reasons for undergoing liposuction applies to men and a recent study has shown that women prefer the post-liposuction results in men.

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To Retain Sexual Attractiveness

When it comes to sexual attractiveness, women over the age of 40 have not been left out in the competition. They want to feel beautiful and attractive to their partners. At this age, their hormones are working overtime- meaning that their sex drive is at the peak.

Some divorced women who have gone back to the dating scene want to look good and have the confidence, just like they were in their twenties. They want to look youthful once again. And if their saggy breasts are going to stand in the way of finding happiness again, they would rather go under the knife than live lonely and miserable. Furthermore, great confidence coupled with an enhanced body image is the ultimate power of seduction.

Clothes Fit Much Better with Breast Implants

No matter how many expensive clothes an older woman has, she will never look as good as she would if she had fuller breasts. Saggy breasts typically distort the entire shape of the body. Women celebrities who opt for breast implants want to look good on the red carpet. And they do really look good with their expensive dresses because there are no flaws in their bodies (no saggy breasts in this case).

Financial Stability

Most women over the age of 40 are stable financially and can, therefore, afford to spend their money on things that can make their lives more comfortable and stress-free. So, if they have the money, then why shouldn’t they get the implants?

So far, thousands of women, with a large percentage being over 40 have gotten themselves breast implants along with other cosmetic procedures such as nose jobs, facelifts, and even various liposuction options just to enhance their body image and confidence. And we can’t blame them. It’s only natural for an older woman to look more attractive, both physically and sexually. For some more information on why women over 40 are opting for breast implants, check out this blog.

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