What Does Female Blue Balls Feel Like?

What Does Female Blue Balls Feel Like

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When you hear the term blue balls, you think it only applies to men. Blue balls usually refer to an extremely uncomfortable condition that is experienced by men when they are extremely aroused as blood is pumped to the lower region of the body, causing a build-up of pressure. Believe it or not, women can experience their own version of blue balls as well.

Understanding Blue Balls for Women

When it comes to blue balls for women, it’s a similar situation for what happens to men. When a woman becomes aroused in a moment of intense passion, blood flows to the lower region of her body. The area most affected is the area that gives a woman the most amount of pleasure during lovemaking. As the blood pumps to this part of the body, everything begins to swell. The pressure starts to build. If a woman doesn’t experience some type of release, it can lead to major discomfort in her private parts.

What Does Blue Balls Feel Like?

Blue balls are equally frustrating for women. What used to be considered a problem that was unique to men is happening for the other half. The bottom line is blue balls is not pleasant. You might feel a throbbing down below that pushes you over the edge. Cramping or tightness can make you really start to squirm or there can be a pulsing as the blood rushes to this pivotal part of your body.

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What Can Give You Relief from Blue Balls?

In the same way that a man is desperate for relief from blue balls, the same holds true for a woman. If you are experiencing this discomfort in your private parts that can range from mild pressure to serious pain, you just want it to go away. The best way to resolve the issue is to allow the cycle to be completed during an intimate moment. Men will tell you the same thing. Otherwise, the only thing you can do is wait it out as the build-up of blood slowly ebbs. A cold shower might help.

How Does Blue Balls Compare Between Men and Women?

Talk to men and women and you will find that they both agree that blue balls are not a good feeling. However, men do get the worse end of the bargain. The condition tends to last longer for men because the build-up of blood takes a long time to ease up. However, it is believed that women experience this condition more often than men because it is more difficult for women to find release during intimacy. It’s a difference in basic anatomy that can lead to a great deal of frustration. The best way to ward off blue balls for women is to look for creative ways to make love act more satisfying, providing a release for both partners.

What Do Women Need to Know About Blue Balls?

Women need to understand that blue balls are a real problem. Men haven’t been lying about this unwelcome condition. Once women have experienced it themselves, they will have a new level of understanding. When both men and women realize that they are suffering from a similar problem that is connected to intimacy, it can help them to be more patient with one another.

If blue balls have affected you, talk to your partner. You’re sure to get some sympathy for a condition you have both experienced at some point in life. Be open and creative to find ways to avoid blue balls on either side in the future.

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